Black Sabbath (Catch-Up)

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A/N- This band was requested by katelyburns7707. Thank you for your request and I do hope that you'll enjoy your request.  Also a HUGE THANK YOU to Chanbien for help. 

Warning: Cursing 

They Enter Parenthood:

Ozzy Osbourne- One night, while on a walk with his wife, Sharon, they both heard a crying sound and yelling

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Ozzy Osbourne- One night, while on a walk with his wife, Sharon, they both heard a crying sound and yelling.  Ozzy and Sharon went over and saw a couple arguing with a baby crying.   Sharon called the police, while Ozzy tried to break up the arguing couple.   When the police came they saw that the baby had some bruises on its leg. "Alright, you two. You're both under arrest." The officer said as he arrested the couple and took them downtown to the station.  "Officer? What about the baby?" Ozzy and Sharon asked.  "I'm going to the hospital if you two care to join me, so I can get your side of the story."  She said as they both got into the car and Sharon held the baby.  "Hello there little one.  You don't have to be afraid.  We're going to get you all better." She cooed as the baby held onto her index finger. 

  As they arrived at the hospital, all of them went inside, the baby gripped Sharon's shirt, for it was scared. "It's okay little one. You're safe." She said as Ozzy asked his wife if he could hold the baby, Sharon nodded and gave the baby to him.  "What's wrong little one?" He asked as the baby hid in his neck. "No need to be scared, little one. I'm here." Ozzy said as a doctor noticed them and got them a room, while the officer got Sharon's side of the story, while Ozzy stayed with the baby.   Ozzy made funny faces at the baby, who began to laugh. "Do you like that?" He said as he made more funny faces before the doctor came in and take the baby to the examination room.  The baby began to cry for Ozzy, who asked the doctor if it was okay for him to come along, which the doctor didn't mind.   After the baby was examined,  Ozzy saw that the baby was a little girl/boy and he couldn't wait to tell Sharon. "Sharon! You're never going to believe it." He said as she and the officer came over and Ozzy told his wife that the baby is a little girl/boy. Sharon smiled as they kissed and the doctor told them that they can adopt the baby if they wanted to, which they did.  Once the adoption papers were filled out, Ozzy went with the officer and told him his side of the story, while Sharon held her newborn baby girl/boy, whom Ozzy had named y/n. 

Tony Lommi- 

Tony Lommi- 

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Classic Rock & Roll Bands: Parent ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now