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Eddie: DADS

Darius: If it's that important couldn't you just tell us? We're right here.

LULU: Hm. How interesting.

Darius: Chill out Lilith you do it too.
Darius: Anyway what's up Ed?

Eddie: Dad needs to be here too
Eddie: And no I cannot just tell you because everyone needs to know, but especially you two

Emi: What, are you coming out again or smth?

Eddie: Nope. I'm forever gay🌈

Alador: Hi I'm here

Eddie: GOOD
Eddie: Okay so y'all are gay, we know that, but there are a LOT of other people that know you're gay, too. They think you guys are adorable. They think you're so adorably gay that they write about you being adorably gay.

Alador: Um

Darius: That's kinda creepy, Ed. What are you getting at?

Eddie: It's not creepy! You have fans!! One fan in particular is named Bisexual_mess11 and they started a oneshot book about you two! Their book will be super cool once people go read it and request things for them to write, so people should go check it out

Darius has gone offline
Alador has gone offline

Emi: I-
Emi: Ed wth was that about?

Promotion. It was promotion. Things get promoted, Em. Sometimes things get promoted by your gay twin brother in the middle of a groupchat conversation, and sometimes they get promoted by a queer teenager who writes gay fanfiction and watches Bluey. That being said, it was promotion.


Ed: Aladarius oneshots! Go check 'em out!

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