Werdz r harrd

605 10 30

Willow: Guys pls help me😭
Willow: How do you spell Shakespeer?

Amity: Who?

Willow: He was a human writer. Luz told me about him, he seems really cool, so I want to research him, but I don't know how to spell it😭😭😭

Luz: Ummmm idkkkk😭
Luz: Shakespeare? I think?

Masha: Um, it seems like you're right, but I'm not quite sure. It's either Shakespeare or Shakespear.

Eda: I can barely spell, so I'm no help
Eda: I don't even know who that is

Raine: Hmmmm. I've never heard of him, so I don't think I could help, sorry :(

Willow: It's okay, Raine :)
Willow: I think Luz was close.

Amity: We could always just look his name up and then see if it corrects our spelling.

Luz: Good idea, Ami! I hadn't thought of that!

Amity: Awww Ami?

Luz: Yep!💖💖💖💖😙😙😙😙

Amity:😙😙😙😙😙😙I love you💖

Luz: I love you too😙😙😙😙💖💖💖💖

Willow: Okay so I looked it up. You were right, Luz!
Willow: It is Shakespeare!

Luz: Oh wow rlly?!
Luz: That's awesome! I didn't think I was right!

Willow: You were! Good job Luz!

Luz: Thank you😁😁😁😁

Willow: You're welcome😁😁😁
Willow: Okie doke, now that that's all cleared up, I'm going to do some research on Shakespeare now!
Willow: Talk to you all later!

Luz: Bye Willow!

Amity: Bye!

Masha: Byee!

Eda: Byeeee

Raine: Bye Willow :)

Willow has gone offline

Masha: That was interesting.
Masha: Shakespeare is a pretty hard name to spell.

Luz: Yeah it definitely is
Luz: I've always had trouble spelling tommorow
Luz: See, I spelled it wrong

Masha: Yeah I have trouble spelling that one too.
Masha: And parallel.

Luz: Oh I HATE how hard it is to spell that word!

Masha: I KNOW😭

Luz: Eda, Raine, Amity, are there any words you guys have trouble spelling?

Eda: All words are hard

Amity: I always have trouble spelling necessary.

Raine: I ironically have trouble with the difference between there, their, and they're sometimes.

Masha: Me too!😭
Masha: Like, it shouldn't be so hard to remember which way to spell a word I use all the time😭

Raine: Yeah!😭😭😭

Eda: Alrighty well it's almost time for dinner so I should probably start making something for us. And King

Luz: And Hooty

Eda: He never eats until he sees I'm eating and then he wants to steal food off of my plate
Eda: So I just make the 4 of us food and wait for him to rob me

Raine: Haha he doesn't rob you, Eda.
Raine: He encourages you to share by taking some for himself. It's proper etiquette :)

Eda: Gosh you're so cute💛💛💛💛

Raine: Not as cute as you❤❤❤❤

Eda: 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

Raine: 😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😙

Eda: Alright cutie now I'm actually going to make dinner

Raine: Okay baby❤

Luz: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eda: Jeez someone's hungry


Eda: Alrighty then
Eda: Dinner it is

Luz: YAY😁😁😁😁 

Raine: YAY😁😁😁😁

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