Eda's ✨mysterious past✨

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Eda: So I recently saw my ex-husband in the Human Realm. Raine was with me. To say it was awkward would be an understatement.


Eda: Yeah, it was a long time ago and it didn't last very long

Luz: How long did it last?

Eda: About 6 hours

Luz: WHO WAS IT?!?!?!?

Eda: Not important, just some human guy

Luz: Human guy? I know a lot of human guys!
Luz: I might know him!

Eda: You don't

Luz: Are you sureee?

Eda: Yes I'm sure. You definitely don't know him

LULU: I didn't know you had a husband.

Eda: That's probably because you and I spent a good 30-ish years avoiding eachother.

LULU: That's a fair point.

Luz: If I don't know him then it doesn't matter if you tell me his name, right?

Eda: Well no but it's not important
Eda: It's not like you'll ever meet him

Luz: You don't know that!
Luz: You didn't think Raine would ever meet him but they did

Eda: Good point
Eda: His name is Stan

Luz: OOoOOOOOooOo ✨Stan✨
Luz: Why did it only last 6 hours?

Eda: It just didn't work out
Eda: It's not important kid
Eda: I'm actually happily married now and we've been together for way longer than 6 hours.
Eda: So Stan doesn't matter anymore. I didn't really love him anyway.
Eda: Raine on the other hand...
Eda: Titan, I cannot say enough about Raine to capture how much I love them.

Luz: Awwwww Edaaaa😭😭😭
Luz: That's so sweeeet😭😭😭😭
Luz: Where is Raine anyway?
Luz: They're usually here with the heart emojis by now

Raine: I'm here
Raine: Just really really tired, that's all.
Raine: I love you too, Calamity❤

Eda: ❤❤

Raine: ❤❤
Raine has gone offline

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