Ed's crush🌈

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Luz: I just realized that almost everyone in this chat is in a relationship

Gus: Really?

Luz: Yeah! Me and Amity, you and Matt, Vee and Masha, Darius and Alador, and Raine and Eda are married, so they're a mega couple

Eda: Mega couple😂😂

Eddie: So everyone's in a relationship except for me and Emira?😭😭😭

Lillith: I'm not.

Steve: Neither am I

Eddie: Well I mean out of the non-aroace people

Hunter: i'm not

Willow: Me neither

Eddie: Oh really? I thought y'all were dating?

Willow: No we're just friends :)
(A/N: Marinette? She's just a friend)

Hunter: yup, no dating going on here

Willow: It sounds kind of suspicious when you put it like that, Hunter😂

Eddie: Oh my bad. So then it's us four that have no one😭😭😭
Eddie: I want a boyfriend😭😭

Emi: I'm sure you'll get one eventually. Maybe that one guy you never shut up about

Eddie: EM NO

Luz: *GASP* WHAT GUY??!!!

Eddie: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Emi: Oops, sorry Ed :<

Eddie: It's okay😭😭😭😭

Amity: There's a guy? Do you mind telling us?

Eddie: Uh yeah I don't mind. You might've seen him around. Tall, brown hair

Amity: That describes a lot of people😭😭

Eddie: Not really. Very few people are both tall and have brown hair

Emi: Ed, I can name 3 people like that just in this chat

Eddie: Who???

Emi: Um, first of all, our dad???
Emi: And Luz, and Steve

Luz: *GASP* You called me tall!!!

Emi: And Mittens if we count her natural hair color

Eddie: Fine, you have a point
Eddie: I don't think he really needs more description tho
Eddie: Except he's really funny
Eddie: And kind of a dork

Amity: Awwww. Well, whoever he is, he sounds lovely, and I'm sure you things will work out between the two of you.

Eddie: Thanks Mittens💕

Amity: No problem💕

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