A very...interesting chapter

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Luz: Does anyone else ever wonder if there's someone in a different part of the world that acts just like you do? Like, everything you do, say, and like, they do too?

LULU: Sometimes. It's interesting to think about things like that.

Eddie: I think you two would be happy to know that the author of this story acts just like both of you

Emi: What?

Eddie: Nothing

Emi: Am I the only one that's concerned about this?
Emi: Author? What author?

Eddie: Nooothing

Luz: Oh the author! Yeah they're cool


Eda: I think they're just messing with you, kid

Eddie: Yeah, we are

Luz: Yeeeeup

Emi: Okayyy
Emi: I think I'm gonna go to bed y'all
Emi: Byeeee✨
Emi has gone offline. Goodnight beautiful bean💕

Amity: That's...interesting

Indeed it is

Amity: Is that Hooty?

Nah man it's nothing. Make a comment about Luz now💕

Amity: Um, you guys are seeing this right?

Eddie: I think so?

Luz: I don't think so?

Amity: Eh, oh well. I think I'm going to go to bed too
Amity: Goodnight batata💕💕💕💕


Amity has gone offline. Goodnight sweet child💜

Eddie: We should probably also go to sleep

Luz: Yeah, probably

Eddie: Goodniiiight

Luz: Goodniiiiight

Eddie has gone offline
Luz has gone offline
Eda has gone offline
The author who shall not be named has also gone offline probably. Idk I might go to sleep later. Anyway byeeeee🍋

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