Chapter 25

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ENNIUS HAD BROUGHT Mikayla on the rounds of the Legion last night so that he could speak with her plainly regarding Verus, and the conversation still weighed heavily on his thoughts this morning. He hoped his thinking on waking today might benefit both himself and his brother, but he was still trying to prepare a delivery which would ensure success. The preparation for this conversation was worse than preparing for battle. He intercepted Verus and Mikayla as they walked toward where Alexandria was training the civilians.

        Resisting the strong desire to abandon the conversation and walk with them, he requested Mikayla continue alone so that he could speak to his brother privately. The knowing look that crossed her features instantly caused Verus's face to become guarded, but he conceded with a silent nod to return to the Legate's tent as she continued on her way. Ennius adjusted his pace to the limp that now plagued his younger brother, talking of small Legion matters and trading familiar insults. Despite his best efforts, or likely because of them, Verus was stiffly respectful when they were finally alone together.

        "Sit," Ennius offered, sitting down. "Wine?"

        "I'm quite comfortable on my feet," Verus lied easily, not reaching for the skein.

        "Brother, sit. Speak with me," Ennius entreated, dropping the wine on the table.

        Verus braced against the words, knowing well the tone because he spoke the same when delivering bad news. If he refused to sit again, the request would become an order. Verus limped to stand beside the stool and prepared for the worst.

        "You're not recovering, brother," Ennius said quietly, foregoing politeness now that they were close enough to speak with full privacy. "Mikayla does not believe that you will, not well enough to fight, and after seeing your exhaustion yesterday from being at the market and wedding the day before, I believe her."

        They stared at each other in silence. Verus felt his breath shorten as the emotions rose in him: frustration, rage... helplessness fueling them both. He could see the anguish behind his brother's determination to continue speaking, but was thankfully spared of noting any pity.

        "I won't lead you to death in Illyria, especially as that outcome is so predictable," Ennius broke the quiet without breaking his stare. "I'm releasing you from the Legion."

        The words hit Verus like a physical blow despite expecting them. He dropped his gaze while he collected his thoughts. He'd known this was coming since Mikayla had gone on rounds last night, and he hadn't yet come up with a counter to the logic of the decision. He would do the same if their roles were reversed. He loathed the situation more because of that.

        "I've arranged that you retain your holdings here, north of Verona, and in Germania Inferior, and I've –"

        "Shall I just sit on my holdings and rot, then?" Verus interrupted, his tone pure acid. Ennius cringed, the hate he could hear an unpleasant surprise.

        "I'd wondered if you would take an interest in starting a family and improving your lands, possibly returning to Rome and a place in the Senate," Ennius said carefully, his voice trailing off as his brother's head lifted and the rage inside him could be plainly seen. "But I want you to stay beside me. There's no reason for Minerva's 1st to have arrived here in this level of order after that march from Bonna, and all men look to you as the reason. I'm not idiot enough to send you away and lose every thought, plan and scheme in your mind. I want to release you from fighting and dying, Verus, not to be rid of you."

        "So you wish to keep me as a pet?" Verus asked, looking away because the offer was as enticing as the thought was repulsive that he would be forever outside the Legion.

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