Chapter 30

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IXILLIUS SET THE pace they walked, returning from the encampment outside of Bonna. Alex had increased his pride in her tenfold or more by her showing today, first at the executions and then among the 6th and 4th in the encampment. Her manners at the executions had been bold, level, and respectful, even though her initial presence had brought on disgust and he'd had to justify her at his side more than once, there had been no comment to her or messenger about her attendance after the Legion had been dismissed to regular duties. Among the men, she'd remained attentive and respectful, socializing infrequently but effectively.

        Her manner with Verus was sisterly. She did not defer to him the two times they had been confronted by senior officers when entering the city proper, she had turned to Ixillius each time for a cue towards her behavior, but her hand did not leave Verus's arm. And his scowl after each of the confrontations had made her chuckle and kiss the First File's cheek.

        "I shall have to wear a permanent frown around you, dear one," Verus chided, guiding the small group to a lodge where he liked to eat.

        "Your note had scheduled the midday meal for after the visit to the pens?" Ixillius had asked, noting that Verus fussed over getting Alex settled into her own place on one of the benches at a lodge that usually only saw whores, not women who occupied an empty space.

        "Yes, but at the time it was written I had assumed a breakfast in my stomach, a better morning, and only your foul countenance as company. As I have a fouler mood and a greater hunger than expected, and more pleasant company to share a meal with, we eat now."

        He sent his Guard Commander to attend on the marching preparations of his century, with orders that any items regarding the entire 1st cohort should be sent by messenger directly to himself. The Guard Commander sagged visibly with relief and exited quickly, a sharp contrast to the man left in command of the 6th and 4th while Ixillius was here.

        Ixillius and Verus both observed Alex as she watched the Guard Commander leave, her face a complete mask to them both. Once the man was out of sight, she turned to Verus, her expression clearly showing her disbelief at the body language of the departed man. She shook her head as if clearing away the idiocy and smiled at Ixillius.

        "Brasus is good," she said, crisply echoing the thoughts of both Centurions.

        Verus burst out laughing at the implication of his man not being good.

        "I fully agree with you, dear one. But I am left to work with what I have." He smiled at her fetchingly, patting her hand from across the table. "This past year, my century has been overrun with rich men's conscripted sons whose fathers believe I'll defend their blood above ensuring any glory for Rome."

        "Your centuries have been known as excellent places to stay alive for some years now, that weighting shouldn't surprise you," Ixillius replied easily.

        "Surprise me? No. It disappoints me. I should be advancing at the head of hardened men, talented Legionnaires, the best. Instead, I'm left with simpering idiots cowering behind me," he paused and stared at the two cups of wine which had just been set on the table. "Speaking of idiots, hey!" he called to the lodgeman, drawing him quickly back to the table.

        "There are three places filled."

        The man looked down at Alex.

        "With respect, Centurion, First File" he started, bowing slightly toward the officers, "I'll not take a meal from a Legionnaire to serve to a whore slave."

        "Then consider it a lucky day," Verus replied darkly, Ixillius's countenance also forming into a harsh scowl. "For the Legionnaire familiar to this establishment, Valerius Caecus, previously Celsus, and seven of his fellows were executed just this morning. There are many meals available to the woman and men who were injured most by their crimes and bore witness with their own eyes to his execution."

        The lodgeman paled considerably, his mouth bobbing open and closed as a fish under the dark glowers of the two officers. Ixillius felt the change in Alex before he saw it. It was as if the lighting dimmed in the room, and she was left in an aura of the previous light. When her head turned to the lodgeman, her glare was slanting down from the highest ranks of Rome. Suddenly, the way Quintus had described her at the baths, so above him that his mind remained unquestioning of her authority, made complete and perfect sense. The old Legionnaire was not smitten, as Ixillius had believed. If she had commanded himself to arms at this moment, his compliance would have been absolute and unquestioning as well.

        The lodgeman's mouth snapped shut with a click as his gaze fell on the woman he'd just insulted, and he retreated, stumbling, back to the kitchen. He returned immediately with a third cup of wine, mumbling apologies and bowing incessantly to the table. As he backed away, slowly retreating this time, the lighting seemed to Ixillius to brighten again as Alex released the lodgeman from her attention and turned back to the men at her table, her look to them puzzled at the intensity with which they stared back at her.

        Verus licked his lips and nodded toward Alex.

        "With your permission, Ixillius, I would—"

        "Not a chance, Verus," Ixillius interrupted, hearing the husky thickness in Verus's voice matched in his own.

        Alex turned her attention to the cup, tasting the wine, seemingly oblivious to the repercussions of her actions on her two companions.

        "My friend, who is this startling creature you have won?" Verus asked, his voice tight even after downing half his wine.

        "Alexandria Moldovan," Ixillius replied, earning that little smile of happiness as he held out his hand to her.

        She slipped her fingers into his and he kissed her hand, tracing his lips lightly from her knuckles to her wrist, watching a hunger light in her eyes that had little to do with the meal they were waiting for.

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