Chapter 16

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ALEX LISTENED TO the end of Brasus's report about the men, and then reported in a similar way about the women. Ixillius nodded when she finished, and then separated the civilians from the fighting men waiting for them, calling the group in close so he could speak in a conversational tone. He simply told them they were better fighters now than most new conscripts; however, with the bent of the rumors against further civilian training, Ixillius wouldn't risk dissension with less than two weeks until Verona. He wanted to keep their abilities and proven loyalties, so the decision was theirs: tomorrow night any of the training civilians could join the ranks of Minerva's 1st. After that, only Legionnaires and Auxiliary would be allowed to continue nightly training on the Ground.

        "Any of us can enlist?" one of the women Alex had given extra time to asked.

        "Men and women," Ixillius confirmed. "You already know the requirements, and the rewards. Anyone pledging tomorrow enlists for twenty-five, and survives as a citizen."

        Ixillius sent them back to their homes and families. Most of the women looked to Alex as they left, silently considering themselves in her place, and many of them sighed heavily as they walked away. Pledging twenty-five years left most too old for marriage if they survived their full enlistment. Considering the necessity of having children, Ixillius doubted these women would take the oath tomorrow.


        Verus's foul mood only escalated once he learned that the training civilians would be taking their military oath, but Mikayla forbid him from attending.

        "You said he was doing better," Alex argued in English as Verus spewed profanities at Mikey.

        "He is," Mikayla replied in the same language. "But the best way to make him behave is to force him to concede to less than he demands while letting him believe he's won the argument."

        "You could just give him limitations," Alex sighed.

        "And he would ignore them," Mikey stated flatly. "No, he will argue tomorrow, watch while people take their oaths and maybe for the training, and then come back and lay down. He's just as stubborn as you."

        "Just as stubborn as me?" Alex asked, remembering the times she'd convinced Mikey to allow her to do things that were beyond what the surgeon had recommended.

        "My methods may be questionable, Alexandria, but I'm very good at my job," Mikayla arched a single eyebrow at her friend, a smile at her lips.

        "You're terrible," Alex grinned back.

        "I'm lovely," Mikey replied.

        "I will be attending the ceremony tomorrow," Verus commanded.

        "No," both women responded.

        Alex left Mikey and Verus to argue and went out to see to Max and the mare. Hades was perched in his usual place on Max's withers, waiting for the nightly treats and attention before roosting at the top of Verus's tent. Max and the mare were dozing, and both were grumpy at how late the final foot check and feeding were. They forgave quickly when they each got a few bits of biscuit, though, Hades hopping up Max's neck in a jealous fit that the horses got treats before him.

        Ixillius climbed through the fence, chuckling at his wife's attempts to dote on three animals using only two hands. She grinned at him when he stepped close enough that Max chose to have the lack of proper attention corrected by nosing at Ixillius to scratch his chin and rub his ears. The treats finished, Hades flew to his roost on Verus's tent and started preening as Alex and Ixillius climbed back out through the fence.

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