Chapter 13

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ONLY IXILLIUS AND Brasus came inside when she called, although she'd heard Quintus and recently Marcus. The men moved Verus to his pallet and covered him for the night. When asked, Brasus took the bundle to dispose of and left without a word. Mikayla finally sat down once he was gone, content that she'd done what she could during the three hour surgery.

        "What do you need?" Ixillius asked, kneeling in front of Alex and resting his hands over hers in her lap. Alex looked exhausted now, but offered no reason as to why, and her fingers were cold. She translated the question for the surgeon and then listed off what Mikayla Wyss slowly said: dinner, water to drink, and clothing and a place for the surgeon to sleep. Mikayla wanted to stay in this tent with Verus. Alex smiled gratefully when Ixillius agreed without question.

        Ixillius stepped outside and asked Aetius to see to meals and clothing, the old Legionnaire nodded and went toward the nearest cooks without a word. Ixillius smiled in appreciation of having such an efficient man helping him, then requested for Quintus to remain and intercept the nosy, ensuring only those who required entry were allowed. Then Ixillius went to his own tent and collected the clothing he knew Alex would want to change into. He was surprised to see the papers from his missing table were stacked neatly – not dumped as he'd expected – and that the cut drape had been re-hung as best the veterans could. Ixillius was touched that the gruff Legionnaires had been that thoughtful.

        Alex was slowly going through the satchel she'd taken and brought back, removing items and setting them on the ground beside her, when Ixillius returned to Verus's tent. He knelt down in front of her and set the few things he'd brought on top of her cloak. She already had tears on her cheeks when she looked at him, so he just pulled her close and held her, willfully ignoring the feel of the strange fabrics she was wearing and the horribly foreign smell that clung in her hair.

        "Please forgive me for leaving," she whispered into his shoulder. "I did not know what else to do."

        "I forgive," he kissed the top of her head and then rested his cheek against her hair, grateful she was back.


        After the women had eaten and gone to another room to wash and change, Ixillius sat alone with Brasus. They spoke in low tones, Brasus hurrying through the story of how his hunt had ended with Alex and Mikayla Wyss – who he swore Alex had called 'Nike' before she knew he was there – and then their entry into the camp. The story Brasus told clicked all the pieces into place for things Alex hadn't yet said.

        For the first time in months Ixillius finally, actually felt calm. He'd been right about his wife the entire time she'd been with him. He considered what he'd thought were strange lies and deceptions she'd played at, compared them to the truths Brasus had just recited, and suddenly everything made sense.

        "You're taking this well," Brasus stated, still looking ill.

        "You've confirmed what I think, now, that I always knew," Ixillius afforded his friend a small smile. "I also believe you were right back in Bonna."

        "About what?" Brasus asked, genuinely confused at the turn in the conversation.

        "You said I'm a dupe who's going to end up in the middle of a cautionary tale about rescuing maidens from holes in the ground." Brasus finally cracked a grin.

        "I didn't think that was a true statement at the time," the Optio's smile faded quickly. "I don't understand, though, why she would bring Nike."

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