Chapter 24

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THE NEXT MORNING, Ixillius slipped out from the covers and Alex barely stirred. He was tired from the previous day's activities, but he grinned smugly that she was exhausted. She smiled in her sleep when he kissed her.

        "I love you, husband," she sighed, her accent gone again.

        "Tell me about our child," he whispered, before he could stop the words.

        "Which one?" she replied, leaving him stumped.

        "How many will we make?" he asked once his thoughts started again. She only snored in response, the moment gone. He washed and dressed ahead of even Verus, pushing down the thoughts of children. Mikayla emerged from the room she still shared with Verus as Ixillius was pulling on his armor. She smiled a silent greeting and did his fastenings for him and then he left quietly for the morning orders.

        Verus soon traded places with Mikayla at the wash stand, muttering his typical amount of grumbling as she and Victoria went out to collect breakfast for all of them. Alex pried herself awake as Verus taunted her for sleeping so late, glaring at him as she joined him at the wash stand and then – as with any other time that she had no good come back – stuck out her tongue at him. He chuckled and went back to dressing for the day as she starting washing.

        Alex left her hair down as she dressed and ate, discussing her ideas for the morning training with Victoria between mouthfuls, uninterrupted today because Verus had been called to speak with Ennius prior to the Legate leaving for the city. Verus returned with Quintus, engaged in conversation about the march to Illyria. Mikey quickly confirmed that Quintus could spend the morning with Verus – giving her half the day to herself – and ran through a few quick symptoms that meant she needed to be called immediately. Then, once Quintus and Verus left, she yawned and smirked and announced she was going back to bed.

        Alex threw a few insults at Mikey about being lazy, mostly from sheer jealously, and the surgeon just waved over her shoulder as she sauntered back to her room. Alex braided and rolled up her hair as she and Victoria walked over to their usual place by the horse pens. They were the first to get to the civilian's training place, but five minutes later, right on time, Portia arrived. Alex was about to start the routine as she'd discussed with Victoria, then realized she'd left her jian back at the tent. After a quick conversation, the trio agreed that Alex would train with Portia for hand-to-hand maneuvers while Victoria went back to get Alex's sword.

        Victoria jogged through the camp, enjoying the easy pace of the morning so far. She didn't bother to announce her return, not wanting to wake the Lady Healer, so simply strode through the tent to Alexandria's room and collected the jian. Her surprise at seeing the Lady Healer sitting at the table shocked her into a startled gasp. Mikayla felt the blush creep up onto her cheeks as she realized too late that Victoria had seen what was on the table.

        "You must not tell Alexandria," Mikey whispered. "I'm not supposed to have this here."

        She quickly finished assembling the pieces on the table and tucked everything away into a case that clicked shut. Victoria shifted uncomfortably, unsure why the Lady Healer wasn't supposed to have a...? Her eyes darted to the entrance but her feet stayed firmly rooted. She was horribly aware that in saying nothing – even though she didn't know what she had seen – she was lying by omission. To lie to someone who was being so kind...

        "Please," the Lady Healer pleaded. "You must tell no-one."

        "I will not lie," Victoria finally whispered in reply.

        "We will not lie to Alex if she asks," the Lady Healer attempted to smile. "We will simply be certain that she has no reason to ask." Mikey tried to will the young woman into staying silent, but could see that wasn't working. She needed to say something that would carry enough weight in Victoria's mind that she wouldn't tell anyone, and quickly.

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