Chapter 23

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CW - some NSFW content toward the end of the chapter.

VERUS LEANED HEAVILY on his cane and – as directed by Mikayla – took another rest. Victoria stayed at his side like a shadow as he regained his breath. He was certain there was a reason Alex had chosen this woman beyond a mere chance encounter, although he had yet to figure out why. Having a day with her in his care had given him ample opportunity to discuss whatever came into his mind to question her with, but still yielded no answers that warranted the attention of the gods he traveled with. The enigma was delightfully frustrating.

        As midday neared, he hired a cart to take them to his father's house for lunch. One of the camp boys took the message at a run into the bustle of the market to notify Ennius and Mikayla to meet them there, if they were inclined to a family meal. Verus relaxed in the cart as Victoria settled their small purchases so nothing would fall once they started through the city.

        "A drink?" Verus cracked his eyes open to see the offered skein held near his face. His gaze traveled up the arm to the man making the offer, and he smiled at Marcus.

        "I'm attending on my father's house for lunch, and the wine there is much better," Verus smiled through his lashes.

        "Yes, but this wine is already here," Marcus returned the smile and Verus could almost smell the promise of sex.

        "Very true," he replied, leaning forward and tempting Marcus to do the same. Verus smiled when the Optio did, rewarding the officer for his obedience by tracing fingers over his jaw and ensuring that his lips would touch Marcus's ear when he spoke.

        "I could accompany you," Marcus offered, his voice heavy.

        "You could," Verus agreed, casting his tone lower, "but I don't take my whores into my father's house."

        The shock of the insult being spoken so plainly jolted through Marcus's whole body. Verus teased at Marcus's ear with his tongue for a moment, ensuring that the Optio was still enthralled before pushing the man away. Marcus was shaking with impotent rage at being so quietly rejected as Verus held his hand down to help Victoria into the cart. Verus made sure to look back for a long stare at the man he was playing with as they were carried away, ensuring that Marcus still preened under the gaze.


        On the cart ride back to the market, Mikey tried hard to remember the last time she'd eaten that much. Ennius teased her gently after every burp, pleased that she'd enjoyed a meal at his family's home, and ecstatic that his family had enjoyed hosting her. Verus was in unusually high spirits as he discussed potential wedding gifts with Victoria, asking for fine details about what kinds of gifts were common in her culture, then asking her to explain each thing that he didn't immediately recognize.

        "Enough, little brother," Ennius laughed. "You'll empty the girl's thoughts before dinner and she'll have nothing left to keep you entertained tonight." Verus snorted a laugh and continued to pester Victoria.

        "I see why Alex calls you her brother," Mikey laughed after an extended explanation from Victoria produced five more questions. "You're both –"

        "Beautiful and intelligent," Verus interrupted, his tone serious.

        "Irritating as hay in the little bindings," Mikey finished, making them all laugh. They stepped off the cart in the weapons area of the market, per Verus's request to the driver. Verus purchased two matching knives from the same table Alex had favored the previous week.

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