Chapter 16

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IXILLIUS HAD RAGED when the news was sent that Alex had been taken, but the temper was short lived when he and Brasus arrived to find Verus stitching his own leg in the midst of what had been a very short and very bloody battle. The trackers were called to be assembled as Verus swore at the lack of Legion commanders in the aftermath, and then ordered to stay in camp when the first messenger returned stuttering and pale from the Legate's tent. Other messengers followed, some somber and others shocked, until the reports were finished that Verus was all that was left of the senior officers.

        It was a surprise to everyone when nearly all the missing horses galloped back into camp, except two. The one that Verus and Ixillius were hoping to see wasn't among them.

        Alex's little kite hopped about excitedly, gliding from tent to tent around the Training Ground and cawing happily at all the carnage and early morning activity. Verus was just about to yell when the bird froze as if listening. Taking wing after a moment and flying with a purpose in the direction the horses had returned from, the strange caw floating back from the forest as the kite disappeared into the trees.

        "She's still alive then," Verus stated, staring hard at the tree line. Ixillius took a single step in the direction the kite had gone and found himself staring down the blade of Verus's favorite knife. "You're needed here," the First File stated quietly.

        "I'd like to see you try—" Ixillius started to round to Verus, meaning to leave, forcibly if he had to, only to be knocked on his ass by Brasus.

        "You're needed here, Centurion," the Optio stated, the set of his jaw and shoulders determined while his expression held nothing but concern.

        Ixillius stared up at his two friends, knowing they were right and hating them. He ignored the offered hands and stood on his own, gaining his feet slowly and knocking off the bloodied snow that clung to his cloak. Verus sheathed his knife and stepped close.

        "You will leave when," the First File stressed the word, "I tell you to go. Is that understood?" Ixillius studied Verus for a long moment, then scrubbed his hand over his face and stepped back to a respectful distance, worry-fueled anger radiating off him. "Good," Verus stated with a quick nod. "Both of you, go back to your century. Spread word on your way for all men to get ready to move quickly, and that everything which can't be carried, packed easily or eaten must be left behind. We're three days slow march from a good location to fortify, and I will have us there tonight."


        Alex woke up many times during the morning, and each time she mumbled up at him, Hades would caw happily. When she was finally able to stay awake for longer than a few minutes the little crow was sitting in his usual spot on Max's withers, but glided down to roost on her stomach when she whistled quietly to him. It was silly that a one-legged bird could have such an impact on the seemingly hardened troops that she was currently captured by, but they all stared at Hades warily. So, Alex milked it for all it was worth and talked nonsense in English and Russian for a few minutes, letting the bird cuddle at her neck and chin before sending him off to scrounge up some food for himself.

        It was well past midday when more men edged out of the trees and formed up with the main group that was holding Alex prisoner. Someone who must be important came in from an angle that she couldn't see easily, but was met with cheering. Alex thought about craning her neck around to see who the mystery hero was, but decided to cater to her headache instead and just kept looking back along the way they'd come. Turned out she didn't have to worry, as the man soon came around to gloat over his prize. As when she'd first met him in the clearing, Alex's reaction was less than what he was expecting. Tall, dark, handsome, and more to the low-watt incandescent variety than a fluorescent level of brightness, Hludwolf dripped with self-congratulations as he paused to pose for effect with the Legion's Eagle.

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