Don't Let Your Friends Do Silly Things... Alone.

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"Guys, are you sure about this?" Hanna anxiously looked around.

"Yes," Alisha said and put the black hoodie on and hid her head underneath its hood. Aria was right behind her, wearing a black hoodie herself. They were hardly visible in the darkness, "Come on we're going through the pool house."

Alisha walked into the garden through the trees and bushes. Aria was breathing nervously and Hanna stopped again, "Aria, you're breathing too loud!"

"What do you suggest for me to do?" Aria hissed as quiet as possible, "Stop breathing?" 

Hanna shrugged and rolled her eyes. Alisha sighed impatiently, "Girls, we've got no time for that. Just relax, Aria, the Vanderwaals aren't home." They walked on and after a few meters they reached the pool house. Carefully Alisha opened the glass door, "How stupid can people be and just leave their pool house open?" she smirked and made her way to a door across the room which supposedly led into the house. 

"We should go skinny dipping," Hanna whispered excitedly and took off one of her shoes. 

"What are you doing?" Aria looked startled.

"I'm testing the temperature," Hanna explained and carefully dipped her foot in the water.

"Can't you just do that with your hand?" Aria asked and followed Alisha to the door.

"Can you just not do it at all?" Alisha was annoyed, she just pushed down the door handle and rolled her eyes. 

Within a second all the lights went on and the girls winced from the loud and sharp sound of the alarm. Hanna, who just wanted to pull her foot out of the water jumped and fell right into the pool. 

"Shit," Alisha said and looked around for the alarm system.

"Come on, let's go," Aria shouted through the noise and ran over to Hanna to help her out of the water, "Alisha!"

The girls ran out of the pool house and back into the bushes again. On their way through to the street a massive branch hit Alisha right in the face and she stumbled backwards. Aria took her hand and pulled her away from the small bit of wilderness and onto the street. They all got into the BMW and Alisha drove away immediately. After they had driven a few blocks she pulled to the side and stopped the car. Alisha leaned her head against the seat and carefully touched her cheek. The pain was pounding in her head. 

"I can't believe we actually thought someone who sells houses wouldn't know how to protect their own," Hanna took of her hoodie because it was wet. Aria turned around and blew out her breath.

"I can't believe you're sitting in my car like this," Alisha mumbled and turned around as well, "You're dripping!" She regretted moving right away and whimpered in pain. 

"Are you okay?" Aria asked and reached out for Alisha's face, "I'm sorry I brought you guys into this!"

Alisha was confused, "You're not supposed to be sorry, Aria. I am! I started writing a silly diary. Without that none of this would have happened."

Hanna leaned in and her head appeared in the front of the car between them, "Well, if Mona wanted to hurt you, she would have found another way." The girls just shrugged and Hanna sighed, "Can we go home please? I'm cold." Alisha and Aria both began to laugh and Alisha was glad that Aria didn't seem to be mad at her anymore. 


"You did WHAT?" Spencer was out of herself, "I don't believe it!"

"Calm down," Hanna had changed into dry clothes and they were all sitting in her room now, "It's not like anything happened!"

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