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Dear Velvet, 

in case anyone, especially you Violett, is creeping on my diary, let me give you some advice: It is very easy to ruin your life within one single night, so better try not to do that. Which includes no underage drinking. And if you did anyway, I can't blame you, just do not, no matter what, get in a car and drive somewhere. And if you did that despite my advice, I pray for you the cop you've been hooking up with won't show up to check your ID and hold your hair while you vomit on his feet. It's not fun and I don't even want you to experience this, Violett. Oh, and by the way, if you tell Mom and Dad about any of this (especially the cop) I'm gonna make your life a living hell. And you know I am capable of that. 

But as for now I will have to go through my own hell and pick up Dad's Range Rover at the police department. 

xoxo, Alisha

The next morning went by quiet and awkward. The girls were obviously still in shock and Hanna called Spencer's mom to find out how Spencer was doing, as soon as all of them were up and had some breakfast. "She's at the hospital. We could go and visit her if we want to her mom said."

"Okay, let's go all together, then" Aria said still chewing on her breakfast roll. 

"I can drive us" Emily suggested, "my car's at Hanna's house. We just have to get over there to get it." 

"Fine" Alisha cleaned the table and put all the foods back to their places, "I'll go have a shower. Pick me up in twenty?" 

So Alisha waited for the girls to leave and quickly hopped into the shower. The sky had cleared up and there were no clouds at all, just bright sunshine and nice June weather. She threw on a white summer dress and slipped into her sandals. On other days she would have applied a tonne of make up to hide how tired she looked but somehow she couldn't be bothered today. All she did was braid her fringe into a french brain and clip the end of it to the side of her head. The rest of her long, black hair fell naturaly, in soft curls down her shoulders. Alisha knew she was almost effortlessly pretty but when she was looking in the mirror that day all she could see was pure disappointment. 

They reached the hospital at 11 AM and asked the receptionist where they would be able to find Spencer Hastings. They were sent to the 4th floor, room number 422. Spencer was watching TV when they knocked on her door and quickly turned it off and smiled, "Hey guys!"

"Hey Spencer" Emily sat down on her bed, "how are you?" 

"You nearly gave me a heartattack last night" Hanna said and hugged her. 

"I'm okay, thank you" she smiled weakly and they inspected her closely. Her left arm was broken and her face was covered in little cuts. She told them the frontwindow was smashed and a lot of little pieces of broken glass hit her face and she wouldn't stop bleeding for hours. She only had to get a few stiches though and her arm wasn't fractured too bad so it would heal quickly. Toby didn't even have to stay in hospital apparently, Spencer's parents were so angry they banned him from visiting her. "Sorry I got you all into so much trouble." 

"No, that wasn't you" Aria took Spencers hand and squeezed it, "besides we'd do anything for you anyway. And we got away with a little shock but that's all, really." 

"What happened though?" Alisha asked, "Did Toby not see the tree on the street?" She remembered her own reaction when she saw it. If she hadn't hit the breaks right away they could all be lying in hospital beds right now. 

Spencer shrugged, "I'm not sure. I thought I saw it fall right when we were driving up to it. It was dark and rainy, I might be wrong but it happened so fast."

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