Don't be a fool, little Liar.

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"TGIF!" Hanna laughed and walked through the big doors to te hall. Her, Aria and Emily decided to celebrate the weekend with a shopping spree. Emily headed for Forever 22 and Aria and Hanna followed her, "I love clothes!"

Emily and Aria laughed at Hannah's excitement and slowly walked through the shop, looking for nice tops an shorts. "Emily?" Aria poked her and Emily looked up. Paige McCullers entered the shop. She was alone and she didn't seem to be in a good mood. Hanna noticed her as well and sighed, "Should we go, Em?"

"No, it's okay," Emily smied, "Just keep shopping and ignore her."

They nodded but of course kept staring at Paige. She still didn't notice them, in fact she didn't notice anyone. Hanna's mouth dropped open when she saw Paige slipping a tshirt into her bag. She looked around and went on. 

"Did she just-?" Aria was startled. And just this instant all three of their phones rang and they received a text. 

"Remember what I told you, you better do as I say. Little Paige is a thief, don't let her get away! xoxo, A."

"What?" Emily was shocked and confused at the same time. The others hadn't told her and Spencer about the warning they received earlier this week.

"We'll explain later," Aria said quickly, "Let's get out of here."

"Wait," Hanna didn't move, "A wants us to blow off Paige, Aria! I don't want Spencer to get hurt."

"We already are in a fight with Paige, we don't need to make it worse," Aria hissed, "Nobody is gonna get hurt. If A wants to mess with us, she should stop being a coward and show us her face!" And by that she rushed out of the shop and Emily and Hanna followed her. 

"Aria," Emily hyperventilated, "What's going on? Why would Spencer get hurt?" 

Aria pulled her to a silet corner, away from all the people, "A few days ago Alisha, Hanna and me got a message from A, saying if we don't do what she says she's gonna tell Melissa about Spencer kissing Wren." 

Emily's mouth dropped open, "Why didn't you say anything?"

"Spencer was so upset when she told us about Wren, we didn't want her to freak out entirely," Hanna shrugged. She looked back to the shop and considered doing what A said but she didn't want to go back without the others.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me," Emily seemed to be something between upset and scared while she stared at the screen of her phone, "What if A makes her threat become reality?"

"Stop it," Aira said, "A is a coward and we're not going to listen to her, okay? It's probably some dorks from school who wanna play a prank on us."

"I bet it's Paige herself," Hanna's face lightened up and she looked at them with her eyes widened, "I'll ask her!"

"Hanna, what?" Aria began but Hanna was faster and already entered Forever 22 and ran towards Paige.

"Hey, you!" she pointed her finger at Paige and she jumped "Do you think it's funny to send anonymous texts?"

"What?" Paige's expression proved that she had no idea what Hanna was on about. 

"Also A is not very original," Hanna hissed and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, girl," Paige frowned when Aria and Emily appeared behind Hanna.

"Hanna," Aria murmured under her breath, "I don't think Paige has anything to do with this."

"I'm sorry," Emily said to Paige apologetically and took Hanna's arm.

"Oh, you're sorry," Paige sounded challenging and Hanna immediately was alarmed and straightened up in front of her. 

"Don't you dare doing anything to Emily or Spencer, you hear," Hanna was nearly yelling and people already turned their heads. 

"Let's go," Aria said quickly and helped Emily to drag Hanna away from Paige. 

"Hanna, you can't just throw that in her face, also we were looking at Paige the moment we all got the text. It's impossible it was her." Emily was really upset. She usually tried to stay away from Paige as far as possible and she just showed her again that she was still mad at Emily.

"Well, breaking into people's house didn't really work out too well," Hanna shrugged and sat down on a bench.

"Both of you need to calm down," Aria sat down next to Hanna, "If we don't listen to A or whatever they call themselves they will get tired of this game and leave us alone.

Emily sighed, "I really hope you're right, Aria."


Aria, Hanna and Alisha were doing their community service on a sunday this week because they had to help the pastor in church. During the service Hanna was constantly texting with Caleb, "How long 'til we're free?" Aria whispered. 

"30 minutes," Hanna smiled and put her phone away. The pastor went on about good deeds and envy and Alisha just stared to the ground. It was her sister Violett's 16th Birthday and her parents took her to New York for a few days. Usually Alisha would have joined them but they didn't allow her to come because of the community service thing. Alisha had wanted to kill Wilden for telling her parents, but she couldn't care less about him. Hanna had asked a few times how she felt about him and Alisha always said she didn't care about Wilden. And to be honest, Alisha was glad she didn't see him anymore. She felt guilty for what she had done and she was wondering what it actually was that made her do it. But it was over now and she had one less thing to worry about.

"Alisha," Aria whispered, "What are you looking at?"

"Nothing," Alisha smiled absent mindedly and crossed her legs. 

After they finshed helping the pastor collecting the bibles and cleaning up a little bit Aria said goodbye to Hanna and Alisha and made her way down the road. Her and Ezra arraged for him to pick her up at the park where it was very unlikely for anyone to see them. She noticed his car from far away and her steps became faster. She smiled, opened the door and got in the car, "Hi," she wanted to give him a kiss but he backed off. Confused se asked, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know," he said coldly, "You tell me?" He handed her a little not and Aria anxiously read what it said:

Hi Aria, my family is away for my sisters b-day this weekend. Do you want to hang or are you all Mr. F's this weekend? ;) xoxo, A.

Aria opened her mouth but nothing came out of it. Ezra instead knew what to say, "I thought we agreed to keep it a secret from everyone, Aria."

"I didn't -" she didn't know what was gping on at all. But she had a question she needed to ask, "Where did you find that?"

"I found it in your paper from friday," he sounded so angry, "If Alisha and probably the rest of your friends know, it's not gonna stay a secret for much longer and if your parents find out I'm gonna lose my job. Do you understand?"

"Oh, that's what you worry about, your job?" Aria's eyes filled with tears, "I had to tell my friends because I couldn't keep it to myself anymore. I was happy and they were teasing me and actually I trust them not to tell anyone. Especially not my parents. Ezra, I don't just want to be your secret, I want to share my happiness. And if you only worry about your job and not about how I feel, I can't do this anymore." She opened the door and got out of the car. She wasn't crying but her entire body was shaking as she walked through the blocks to her house. She was so upset because Alisha never wrote that note and neither did Aria put it in her paper. Not even 10 minutes have passed since she's left Ezra's car when she heard her phone blow off. A text message. At first she thought it was from Ezra but as soon as she opened the message she knew better. "Not tired of my game, yet. xoxo, A." She laughed at the naivity she showed when they thought A's warning was only about telling Melissa that Spencer kissed Wren. They have been so blind and A was the worst badass Aria has ever met.

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