never see me again

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You're mere inches apart, you can feel the synthetic breath coming from him.

"You.." Slowly moving your hands so they're both on his cheeks, you feel anger bubbling inside of you.

"ASSHOLE!" You shout as you push his face away from yours. You try to wriggle free from his grasp, shoving his face back had loosened his grip. You slide off of his leg, dusting yourself off and storming towards your tools.

"I haven't slept in hours and I have an appointment with Chica in," You check your phone, 10:24 displayed on your lock screen. "36 minutes!"

You shove the rest of your tools inside of your tool box, checking to make sure you missed nothing. You pick it up before looking back towards moon. He looks..guilty? You can't help but feel bad for shoving his face pretty hard, you worry that you might've hurt him in the process.

You take a breath in. "Look, after today you two will never have to see me ever again." Moon quickly puts his attention on you, his face hard to read. "You don't like me and honestly I wouldn't want someone messing around in my body either." You wave your free hand around, jestering to moons chest. "I may not know why you're not talking, but you're able TO talk. But, you don't have to see me ever again."

You wait for moon to respond, looking him in the eyes, moons eyes on the other hand are looking at everything else but yours. It seems as though hes having a war in his own head, before he looks back at you.


You scoff, ofcourse he can talk, and ofcourse he doesn't want you back. The way he said never however doesn't sound hopeful, it seems off.

"Only if you make it never, moon." You sigh, before turning to the door and make your way to it. You reach it, put your hand on the doorknob and pause. Nothing, no 'wait!' or tug on your jumpsuit. He must really want you gone. You sigh, twisting the knob and make your way out of the room, leaving moon alone in the darkness he so wishes to be in.

Moons pov

Sun: Why didn't you stop her??

Moon: ...

Sun: And what were you thinking? Saying 'never' like that? She thinks we never want to see her again!

Moon: I didn't know what to say..

Sun: Anything! You should've stopped her! What if those kids come back and hurt me again, whose gonna fix us now??

Moon: I don't hate her.

Sun: She thinks you do moon, you didn't even thank her for fixing us.

Moon: She was so gentle, she kept thinking we were hurting..

Sun: I'm sure you squeezing her didn't help! You even ripped her adorable outfit!

Moon: ...

Sun: I know you didn't mean to..What if we scared her off? Will she come back?

Moon: I don't want to not see her again, she actually cared..

Sun: But how will we see her again? We don't have anything wrong with us anymore, or her contact saved!

Moon: ...I have an idea.

Y/n's pov

You have your face in your hands, sitting on a bench in the employee break room. You had a spare change of clothes in your locker, not the outfit you have planned for chica but instead the company issued outfit that all mechanics are supposed to wear. The outfit is smaller than what you'd like, feeling more restrictive than necessary. You're awfully tired, barely staying awake. Just as you started to drift off, your faz watch got a notification. You sit up, raising the watch to where you can see it. The message is from chica, it reads;

Chica: Hey love my rooms all set for our pizza party! You're bringing pizza right??

You smile, before standing up and stretching. The pizza in question is beside you, you always bring some when visiting her to be a distraction as you check all over for any problems. Although now she associates you with food, so now you're forced to bring some or else you're gonna need to hide your phone again. You head out of the break room, making your way to Chica's studio room. As you walk you can hear something faint. The sound of..bells? You shake it off, continuing on your path.


Knock Knock Knock..

The door swings open with great force, Chica greeting you with her classic open mouth smile.

"Y/n you really brought it!!" She yells as she snatches the box from your hands. Chica then sits herself down in her studio chair, opening the box and taking a mouthful of pizza. You roll your eyes with a smile and get to work, working around her delirious eating. You drag your hands down her arms, torso and legs. Noting down any bumps or scratches you find along the way. Once you finished the sensory, you focus on the physical. You make her close her hands and open them, rotate her arms in circular motions, and twist her body. You then make her walk around the room, jotting down that her right foot is causing her to limp slightly.

"Alright doll, any problems you'd like to discuss?" You ask, notepad and pen in hand.

"Yeah actually!" She says.

You listen in, wondering what's wrong this time. Maybe food stuck in places they shouldn't be, who made a robot that eats anyways?

"Did you bring more pizza?" She asks, holding up the empty box.

"Ha ha very funny, any real problems?" You ask again, not about to spend 20 more dollars on a pizza.

"Nope! But my pizza problem is a real problem!" She whines.

You smile before writing in your notes to schedule an appointment to fix her foot. You place your notepad in your tool box, pick it up and make your way to the exit.

"Bye Chica, ask your handler to get you some more!" You say as you make your way back to the employee break room.

All you can think is to be home right now, spending quality time with your bed and..something else. You feel extraordinarily pent up for some reason, what could possibly happened to make you so antsy and-

Oh yeah. The whole interaction came flooding back, how tight yet gentle he held you, his breath on your neck, the shifting.. You shake your head, trying to clear your increasingly dirty thoughts away. What is wrong with you? Thinking of a robot that way, you feel perverted. They aren't programmed to think of stuff like humans do, to love, taste, feel empathy..right? But you don't believe that. You've worked with the animatronics for years, and have learned so much that manuals don't teach you. They do feel, they care and know right from wrong. They are creative and have their own unique ideas.

But it doesn't change the fact they're made for kids. They aren't perverted, have thoughts of sexual interactions, or do stuff that humans believe to be inappropriate on purpose. It doesn't change the fact that you're thinking of a daycare bot in a way that could get you fired. You sigh, placing down your tool box and start to change. You're forced to wear the ripped jumpsuit home, you can't risk having to pay for a new work uniform. As you change you can swear you still hear the light jingle of bells, but chalk it up to be your exhaustion.

Sweet sweet alone time..

Is all you can think as you finish and make your way to the exit of the pizza plex. Just as you reach the doors you receive a text, causing you to groan loudly.

What could possibly be wrong now?? I didn't miss anything and-

???: What the hell happened to the daycare bots??

Do you trust me? Sun/Moon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now