liar liar

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Instantly his hands move to the side of your jump suit, gripping it tight.

"Please try not to rip my outfit." You ask with a sigh.

Again this isn't the first time an animatronic has reacted this way from their wires being touched. Freddy almost broke your hand from holding it too tight, remember? You always wondered why they react this way, but you figured it was just over sensitivity from the sensor system. You look up from his chest to look him in the eyes, trying to get his permission to continue. His grip on your outfit loosened, and he nodded to let you continue.

"Im so sorry if this hurts, if it gets too much tap my shoulder." You say sincerely.

You place the flashlight between your right shoulder and head, holding it up. Carefully, you grab more wires, only to feel the grip come back and stronger. He was basically pulling you down, now making you straddle his leg. This angle is better actually, now being able to look up into his chest and see his voice box behind the cables. Gently, you move the wires to your left, giving you full access to the voice box. Taking a closer look, you notice that one of the wires is frayed.

Its a wonder how sun was able to speak, it must've been a slight chance and them switching had made it no longer work.

You reach over to your tool box and grab the electrical tape, absentmindedly rubbing the wires in your hand with your thumb in an attempt to calm him down as his hands were shaking. But that did the opposite of what you intended, you felt fabric rip and moons head is now between your left shoulder and neck.

"Oh my god moon im so so so sorry, you must've been in so much pain and I-"

You freeze.

You feel something. Shifting? You realize whats going on. You're being bounced up and down on his leg, that wouldn't be too bad if it wasn't the position of which you were sitting.

"Moon? H-hey man can you let me go?"

This is bad, no animatronic has ever done this before. Although you've been playfully hit on by monty or even pecked on the cheek by chica, none of them have gone this far. You know hes not doing this on purpose, his other leg is shaking aswell, to be honest his whole body is shaking softly. But as of now, you want out of this situation. You don't want to admit that you don't hate the feeling, but from an animatronic? It doesn't sit right with you.


Its like he doesn't even hear you, but his hands do move. Instead of being free like you so hoped for, his arms wrap around your waist completely, giving a sort of hug. This would be cute in any other situation, but right now it was starting to get out of hand. You are trying to think of anything else but this, you hate that you're starting to enjoy it. Thats when it hit you, you let go of the wires in your left hand, only now realizing you've had a grip on them this entire time. Moon slowly stopped shaking, but it felt as if he kept his legs going just a little bit longer than needed. You take a moment to breathe.

He didn't do it on purpose, you were gripping his wires you idiot! You most definitely hurt him and theres no way they will ever want to see you again!!

Although moons head is still on your shoulder, you're still able to work. Being careful not to grab the wires, instead pushing them to the side with the back of your hand. Theres no way you're gonna risk you being the next thing thats ripped. You carefully took a decent piece of electrical tape and ripped it from the roll.

"Im sorry for what just happened Moon.. this might be a bit uncomfortable."

You just now notice something interesting. Hes pretty warm, he must have his heating system turned on. For what purpose you don't know, but its pretty relaxing nevertheless. You take the piece of tape and carefully wrap it to where its frayed. You make sure to wrap the tape on the good parts of the wire and bad, erasing the chance of fraying to spread. You're so lost in focusing you don't feel moons grip tightening. You don't feel him burying his face deeper, getting more towards your neck.

"Alright that should be good to go. Hey moon man, can you try and speak for me?" You ask.

You can feel puffs of steam hitting your neck, making you shiver. You can't help but feel your breathing hitch, why is he so close? You figure that hes still unable to speak, you move your hand to go back inside to take another look. Before you're able to, moon sits up a little, looking at you. Unlike sun, he doesn't wear a smile constantly, but he isn't frowning either. You can't quite make out the face hes giving you, a mix of curiosity and..hunger?

"Is there something wrong moon?" You ask.

Moon shoots a glace towards your hand, causing you to pull it closer to your body. You feel one of his arms loosen, before his hand appearing infront of yours, tugging at your glove.

"Moon I can't work on you without a glove," You sigh. "I can't risk getting electrocuted big guy."

Moon stops tugging, giving you a dirty look before returning to his original position of trapping you in. You sigh again, before looking inside of his chest. Peering in, theres nothing out of the ordinary, every wire seems to be connected and nothing damaged. You reach in and touch where you put the electrical tape, trailing a your finger on the wire.

Nothing seems wrong, doesn't look like anything is out of place. Why is he still unable to speak? Is it something with his coding??

You keep thinking of probable causes, digging deeper into his chest trying to find answers. You pinch the taped wire with your index and thumb, twisting it out of frustration.


You freeze. Was that him? Is he able to speak? Are you just..hearing things? You twist again, more gently this time.


Thats definitely him. Why is he lying about not being able to speak, making you continuously touch wires that cause pain? This feels off, theres something that you don't know. You shift, grabbing his face with your left hand and bringing it to yours. You're now face to face with moon, looking him in the eyes.

"So you can talk!" You say, raising your voice. You can't help but be irritated, running on almost no hours of sleep. Because of this asshole your sleep schedule is ruined and-


You notice how close you two are. Face to face mere inches apart, straddled on a robots leg. When did this happen? Why isn't he saying anything still?

You move your other hand to cup the other side of his face. You look him in the eyes, him looking back.


Do you trust me? Sun/Moon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now