cat got your tongue?

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The room went dark, almost unnaturally dark. Not long after you flicked the lights, the silence was broken by the sound of garbled whirring, panicked whispering and a loud-


You reach for your phone, pulling it out and turning on your flashlight. Spinning around, you see the moon animatronic on the ground, as well as the security desk knocked over beside him. You quickly made your way over, reaching for his hand before being shoved back, falling on the ground aswell.

"Don't be an ass!" You shout at him, getting yourself back on your feet. "I'm just trying to help, jeez.."

You shine your light at him, getting a general view of him. He looks normal, albeit menacing. His red glowing eyes isn't something you want to normally see when trying to fall asleep, you wonder how hes even allowed being near kids. You reach your hand out once more, although keeping your distance instead of walking towards him. He glares at your hand, before helping himself off the floor, ignoring your attempt to help. His height is even more intimidating than his eyes, he has got to be at least 7 to 8 feet tall.

He stares down at you, before flicking his attention to your phones flashlight. You go to turn the flash down, but the phone is quickly snatched from your hands.

"Hey-!" You get cut off by moon picking up the table and slamming your phone face down, flash illuminating the room.

He better not have just cracked the screen, I literally JUST got it fixed from chica trying to eat it!!

You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose before speaking.

"My name is y/n, i'm here to help after the incident with the teens." Moon freezes, his back facing you. It seems as though he is lost in thought, remembering all that had unfolded. "If you haven't already seen, I've done alot of work already. You have new internal and external upgrades, including an animate face, more padding, and even a heating element."

Moon takes a second to look at himself, lifting his arms carefully and feeling his face. He slowly turns around, locking eyes with you. It feels as though you're being studied, judged even, with your new found insecurity, you reach your hand out one last time, attempting to shake his hand as a form of introduction.

"Are you usually this talkative or am I just special?" You ask as he ignores your hand once more.

It looks as though he wants to say something, but for some reason can't. Motioning for the table, you try to get him to sit. Although with a very dramatic eyeroll and a frown, he walks back and sits on the table. You make your way over to him, lifting your hands up to where he can see.

"Is it alright to check to see your sensory and heating is properly working before I take a look at your voice box?"

He just stares at you, as if saying 'touch me if you dare.' You take him on this challenge, you aren't going to be intimidated by a glorified clown. You reach up and touch his face, causing the robot to jolt. You can't help but laugh, earning another hateful stare before making your way down to his shoulders.

"Tap me on the shoulder if you can't feel anything, alright?" You make your way down his left arm, dragging your finger down each of his. Doing the same to his right arm.

"I wonder if you're ticklish like sun." You comment, moon gives you a confused look. Without hesitation you slide your hands down moons chest and to his waist. Almost immediately as you reach his waist your hands are snatched by the wrists. You can't help but laugh again, especially with how the heating system makes the metal underneath the silicone on his face light up slightly, giving the illusion of blush. You try to wriggle your hands free, but moon has a strong grip on them. You slowly stop giggling, giving a not so genuine sorry look, receiving a scowl in return. He finally lets go, letting you do a quick slide down both legs with your hands.

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