let me in

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You breathe in, before slowly pushing it open..

You walk in to see Eleanor, 2 police officers and the security guard Vanessa. As you step in all eyes are on you, causing you to slow your pace down as you walk towards them.

"Oh y/n thank you so much for coming!" El said as she made a hurry up motion with her hands.

"Its no biggie really, is he in there?" You point to the door that was surrounded by them, taking note of the bits of metal and oil around the door. By the huge handprints, he dragged himself inside.

Vanessa nodded her head yes, "We don't know how long he's been in there, but the longer he stays the more risk of further damages." She says.

You nod your head, and walk up to the maintenance door. You knock 3 times.

Knock knock knock...

"Hello?" You said, although silence follows. "My name is y/n, im here to try and help. Can I please come in?"


"I'm sor-sorry fr-frie-nd." The voice on the other sputtered, the voice box struggling to still work. "The day-daycare is cl-closed. Ple-please leave."

"But sun I can't leave, you're badly damaged." You say as you place down your tool box. "Do you want me to ask my friends to leave? That way its just me looking?" You say with a smile.


"Go aw-way..please." he said, the sentence barely auditable.

You motion for them to leave, although they were reluctant they left one by one until it was just el and you. She was uneasy leaving you alone with the animatronic, he is known to be sporadic and rough with workers. You give her a reassuring look as you motion for the door.

"I'll be fine I promise, I've worked with every animatronic here! No one can be worse than Montgomery." You laugh, and you even noticed a slight smile from El as she closed the door behind her.

You sigh as you walk back to the door and put your hand on it, "Hey sunshine, its just you and me now."


"Can I come in? I promise I won't judge."


"Im so-sorry bu-but the daycare i-is closed." Sun said.

You turn your back and slide down the door, sitting against it. You lean over and dig through your tool kit, grabbing sticky notes and a pen.

"What if I keep you company until you feel comfortable? I can get you some crayons and paper to slide under the door. Maybe we can draw together?" You said, hopeful that he would accept the offer.




"O-kay" he said.

You jump and head towards the sign labeled "arts n' crafts." You scoop up one of every color crayon, and a handful of manilla construction paper. You make your way back to the door, sitting back up against it.

"Im going to slide the paper then some crayons okay? I'll draw with you on my sticky notes." You said, as you slid the paper underneath the door before a few of the small crayons.

You sit in silence as you doodle, drawing the sun animatronic with his counterpart moon. You slide the small note underneath the door slightly, with the edge still poking through to see if sun will pick it up. You watch intently as the note is carefully taken, and hear a small giggle from the other side of the door.


"You-your name-name is y/n, ri-right?" He said.

"Yeah, I've been a mechanic here for almost 5 years now!" You say happily. "I've worked on everyone of your friends here you know, I could even say im their favorite doctor here."

"Every-one? E-even Roxanne?" He asks curiously.

"Yup, don't tell anyone I said this but she even made me fix up her makeup because there was a slight scratch on her face." You say laughing, before hearing another giggle from behind the door. "Freddy even made me fix his top hat, some thread came loose and I had to sew it back." You say with a smile, and notice a piece of paper that was slid underneath the door. You grab it and take a look, it was a drawing of a sunflower, a pretty good one at that.

"Wow sunshine this is beautiful, you really are talented!" You say as you carefully examine the drawing more.

"You-you think s-so?" He said, sounding more chipper than before.

"Yes! You've got to teach me how to draw as good as you do." You say as you put the drawing to the side, "I wore a special outfit for you, it looks very similar to yours." You say as you doodle a little stick man with your exact outfit, before sliding it underneath the door again. You watch as the sticky note is taken, and hearing a little gasp.

"Th-thats ador-adorable!" he says.

"Thank you sun, I made it just for you and moon." You say


"Hey sun?" You ask.

"Ye-yes y/n?" He says back.

"Can I come in?" You say, pausing before continuing. "I know you love the kids, the sooner you let me help the sooner you can see them again."

You hear shuffling from the other side of the door, before hearing a clink. You jump up, staring at the door. You take a deep breath and grab the handle, slowly opening the door...

Do you trust me? Sun/Moon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now