I'm sorry

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Yo I'm sorry
I'm really sorry Yeah
I apologize for everything wrong in your life
Like I did it yeah

My apologies just flow out my mouth.
That's not what you're looking for my bad
Look I did it again sorry about that
Eye eye eye what's wrong with saying sorry like it was me
I can't believe I just say it even if it's something I don't mean.
My mom told me to stop saying sorry so much
Sorry mom I can't help it I just feel stuff

I'm sorry but not sorry
I don't know what's wrong with me
making apologies

Second verse is for my messes
All the people I've cause distresses
I'm trying to change I confess it
I hate that I've tried and tested

Okay now listen up
how we going to make a difference if we can't straighten up
So many empty words when you promise to change
I know I've done it too, it's hard to fix things
And to be honest we all don't want to take blame

I'm sorry but not sorry
I don't know what's wrong with me
making apologies

Jesus is the only one blameless
but yet he died for us to live shameless
I wish I could say it was painless
But it wasn't so we need live to make Him famous

I have sinned a lot
and I'm sorry God.
I really mean it this time and wanna keep you at the top
I apologize to all the family and friends I hurt recently
I'm not sure why I was doing wrong so increasingly
I pray that God and you forgive me please.

I'm sorry but not sorry
I don't know what's wrong with me
making apologies

Last verse, let's be unashamed
Don't apologize about being saved
Apologetics is close to the word
But don't apologize for sharing God's word
Be strong in the faith
Lead with God's great grace
Just say sorry to him and be saved from the grave

This song was written as a joke after my mom past away for both of us. Ha we both use to apologize about everything and our family yells at us about it all the time. My best friend's wife is constantly yelling at me to stop, jokingly by the way. The song does truly turn into an apology though but I had to make it fun.

A Work in Progress: Music/Poems by Kevin Turner JrWhere stories live. Discover now