My Life

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This is my life
I just wanna tell my story
My life
This is just about me
My life
Let me give you the tour of
My life
Just listen you'll see

Verse 1

I was Born in 89, definitely a 90s guy, oh I remember the times
Verse 3

In middle school and high school Family went to church
Till about junior year they dessert
I was still going even though I was berserk
My senior year turned my life around
So in heaven I can wear that crown
But that made some of my family frown
My step dad was a Catholic my mom a Pentecost
My Dad's side mourmon, I just need to find my spot.


Well, this song...not my favorite. I love the flow I made for it. I felt I needed to just write about my childhood and needed a title track. Right, I'm supposed to have a title track? Ha but no I've been definitely procrastinating this song. I couldn't think of anything and planned on changing this quit a few different ways. The first line of verse one was really the only thing in my head for years, as well as the flow for the tune. I felt like "My Life" needed to be in between every other line on the chorus to just give it that, pop. It originally went, "This is my life, dooby dooby doo, My Life!" I'm constantly opening this song and trying to figure it out. Maybe one day God will give the words I will need for this one. I'd love to record it.

A Work in Progress: Music/Poems by Kevin Turner JrWhere stories live. Discover now