When Stress turns to Depression

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Stress of Money, Bills
Depression Kills
All I want to do is mope
How am I ever going to cope

It's a big brick wall that I can't destroy
Weighing on me I want to avoid
Give me super powers that I can deploy
Break it down or make it a toy

All this stress needs to just distress
I've got a lot of regrets
It's like 1000 lbs bench press
My life needs a reprint.

Oh God Save me from the mess I've not only created by dived right in!
It's shallow and I've crippled myself!
Take my hand, hold it and tighten,
Give me the strength to rise and clean up the filth!

Multiple times I've just wanted to end my life.
Feeling unworthy of any Love
Feeling like I just keep getting more and more strife
Could you just stop all this from above!

Lost my friends, lost my wife, lost my kids
Actually I threw them in the trash is what I did
I feel I don't deserve anything
So I guess I decided to cause so much pain

God just strike me down where I sit.
and let my kids remember me better than all this
I can't even think or talk without crying
So writing it down is justifying.

I can't do my job right, making everyone mad
No matter how much time I spend on it, it's never enough
I missed one thing and now I'm bad.
Even though....ugh I won't go there its to tough

This song was supposed to be something different
But I guess I even messed that up
I hope everyone else feels it's okay to just cry on your shoulder
Instead of thinking they are Christian's so suck it up.

I know Jesus came to die for us,
but why'd you even let evil in now that's nuts

God forgive me for my sins I know I've done wrong
Lust lied and all that jazz
Please help me understand what you want
So I can just stop being so darn sad

Oh this song...I struggled a lot for about six months. 2022 sucked for me. I am using my experience for good though. I want to be honest and say this song had a few curse words. I changed them for reasons. Mainly because I felt bad for using this language when talking to God. Darn was not darn if you know what I mean. What am I saying everyone knows what I mean. Honestly if I say bad words it's because I am really mad or because if a character I'm playing would say it then I'll say it. Makes since right? I had forgotten, but I thought I had a few songs on this track that had bad words but it was part 3s album that had a couple songs with bad words too. I honestly wrote them and the just threw them into the album because I thought they fit there well.

A Work in Progress: Music/Poems by Kevin Turner JrWhere stories live. Discover now