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Did Frank Anthony Iero Jr just call me Princess

Tatted up, scrawny, sexy Frank Fucking Iero

My literal dream man

called ME

Gerard Arthur Way

weird art kid

friendless blue boy


"Do you need to text Mikey I'm coming over?" Not only did he call me princess "Gerard?" But I think that... "Hello?!?" Maybe- "Excuse me Gerard." I Liked It. 

"EARTH TO FUCKING GERARD WAY!!" "huh?" I turned my head towards the man who just uttered the word 'princess' in my direction. Referring to me?

"Do you need to tell Mikey that I am gracing him with my presence?" "oh no, they'll be fine with it. I hope." "I mean as long as they're not fucking on the couch when we walk in it's all good." "Oh god Frank, do not put that image in my head." I visibly cringed, he giggled. He had a cute laugh.

Ew, shut up Gerard. Don't be gay.

"Hey Gerard?" "What?" "I have a weird question?" "What?" 

"Are you gay?" Did he just read my mind? "Oh" 

Brining me back to the ever present question. 

'Am I Gay'

Bringing me back to the question typed into my computer many times, in many, many different manners that day Hayley asked me.

I had come to a conclusion that day.

"I don't know." "Oh, well that's okay. I didn't know I was gay until my ex. I mean I always had attraction to certain guys. But you don't need to know right now."

"How would I know?"

"Well, have you ever uhm... felt like you had a thing for guys, or even just maybe one... specific guy?" Frank glanced at me, flushed.

"I don't know. I mean, how would I know if I'm liked to someone." 

"well if you find yourself wanting to spend time with them, inviting them places that they didn't need to come to just to hangout with them more. Maybe if you think they're cute." 

"I like spending time with you, and Ray, and Hayley, and everyone" 

"Okay but, I mean- you have to find someone attractive and like, when you're around them you get butterflies in your stomach and you get nervous and your palms get sweaty and you don't know what to say or do or even where to look when you're talking to them." 

"Hmm, I don't know if I've ever felt that way. About anyone. Male or female."

"Maybe you just haven't spent enough time with them." "Maybe. I mean I've kissed a guy but that was back in like 7th grade." "WHAT!" "what?" "You said you didn't have any friends. How did you kiss someone, Who did you kiss?" 'Bert." "WHAT!?!?" "I mean not in like a gay way, in a friend way."

"How the fuck do you kiss someone in a friend way Gerard? Maybe I need to try." "Well he was sad and I asked if he wanted a hug and then he just kissed me. It was like the other version of a hug. I was comforting him." 

"Gerard... Good lord, you don't just go around kissing sad people... do you?" "I mean no. But he was my best friend, I trusted him. And I didn't know he was gay yet."

"Gerard, I think Bert may have had a little crush on you." "No" "Yeah." "no..." "Sorry man, maybe you're gayer then you think." 

"Maybe... what if I can't think of anyone in a 'relationship' way until I really love and care about them."

 "Well Gerard. Theres this thing called 'the spectrum of sexuality' its quite magical actually. It seems as what you're referring to is called 'demisexuality' it's not exactly what you were saying but it means you can't have... "sexual" relations with someone unless you truly love them. It's similar to what you're saying but you just left out the whole sex part. But demisexuality doesn't really have anything to do with the gender of the people you like."

"I don't think I base the people I like based off of gender. Uhm, what's it called if I just like who I like and I don't care what they are?" "Well thats another color off this mystical rainbow. That's called pansexuality. It means pretty much exactly what you just said, no matter the gender, you like who you like." 

"I think I'm those two things." A smug smile crept across Frank's lips. "What are you?" "Oh ya know, just flat out Gay. Capital G, Gay. I love men, everything about 'em. from the hair to the  'you know what'." "Ew Frank. Please never say 'you know what' again." "Well what else should I call it."

"Just don't refer to it. Not that hard." "You know what is hard..." "Don't say It Frank." "Dis 'you know what'!" "Get on the highway so I can run into moving traffic." 

"To late." He said as we pulled into my drive way.

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