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We arrived at the mall after a short drive. "Okay before we do anything, I'm fucking starving, let's go to the food court." "Alright." To be honest, I was so nervous. I have no idea why, it's not like he's some random dude I met on tinder, he's my friend. I need to calm down.

Frank got food, he bought me a slushy too, despite my insisting on not wanting anything. I got blue raspberry, he got cherry. I hate cherry flavored anything, he must be crazy. "So." He said as he came and sat down across from me.

"About what I needed to tell you." He said as he started digging around in his bag. "Oh yeah, what is it?" He pulled a book out of his bag and slammed it on the table. The cover read 'Modern Spiritualism and Witchery' "Frank... you believe in all this shit?" "You don't?" He flipped the book open to a dog eared page and turned it around so I could see. He stabbed his finger onto the page.

"Look." He said, staring into my eyes. "Traveling Souls?" I read off the page. "What does this have to do with me?" "Traveling Souls or Twin Flames. That kind of explains why we're, ya know, all the dream shit, and knowing each other even though we just met. I know stuff about you, stuff I never learned, you with me too." "Like how you got be Blue raspberry instead of cherry." I muttered under my breath. "Exactly!"

"No. That kind of shit isn't real, how'd you come across this anyway?" Franks cheeks blushed pink. "My uh, my ex girlfriend left this at my place..." "You're straight!" I shouted a bit louder than I intended.

"No, I broke up with her because I am most definitely not straight." He said waving his hands in front of my face. "Also don't even try and change the subject, this shit is real and I'm gonna prove it to you." "Go ahead, try and change my mind." I leaned back in my chair and instead of talking, he grabbed my arm, pulled me out of my chair, and started walking.

"Sorry." He said turning to me and gesturing to where he touched me. "I know you don't like people touching you." "It's okay. Anyway, get on with changing my mind." I honestly didn't mind when he touched me, its familiar, I don't know why, it just is.

"Okay, so I don't know about you but my dreams started 8 years ago." "Same."

"Okay so we both were simultaneously having dreams about each other, me saving you, don't know why. I could see your face, you couldn't see mine for some reason. You know how they say you can't make people up in your dreams." No... "Sure." "Well if we had never met but we both knew what each other looked like than maybe we have met... but not in this life."

"You can not be serious Frank-" "Just hear me out, Traveling souls. Thats 2 or more people that travel from life to life with each other. They always meet in some way or another. In a past life we could have been strangers who just sat across from each other on the bus or, mom and daughter, best friends." "We could have been brothers?" "I guess so." "Ew." "Why's that weird Gerard?" Frank said in a teasing tone, I felt my face start to tingle. I do not like him... It's not true.

"I'm just fuckin with ya. Anyway, sometimes people will remember each other from past lives, sometimes they remember just certain traits, sometimes they remember everything about that person. It's always different, different for both people too." Fuck, this is starting to make more sense that it should.

"I guess that would also explain why you could see my face and why you recognized me first." "Precisely." "That's fucking weird man. I mean, it kinda makes sense." "I told you I would change your mind." "Not completely. I still don't understand how it all works." "Me neither, I'll do more research throughout the week but until then... Let's spend my paycheck." I laughed as he dragged me into Spencers.

"Spencers?!" I hate Spencers, the back is... You know. "I know... but they have good shirts." Frank said shrugging his shoulders and walking over to the shirts wall. "Yeah well, so does hot topic, and they don't have that... stuff." Sex stuff has always made me uncomfortable, I don't know why, it just did.

In Another Life (frerard)Where stories live. Discover now