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When I wake up, the bed is light. I'm alone. I open my eyes, Bill is gone too. I begin to panic thinking they left me behind somewhere. I sit up and try to stand. I lose my strength immediately, I use the night stand for balance. Jesus Tom.

I get my strength a little and walk downstairs, hearing voices in the kitchen. It was just Bill and Tom, thank god. I thought that they left me behind. I waddle my way to the dining room, where Tom and Bill are sharing pancakes.

"Goodmorning pretty." Tom says, resting his head on his fist. Bill turns around, "Looks like somebody can barely walk." I roll my eyes, leaning against the wall for support. "Shut up Bill!" I say, trying to make my way to sit next to Tom.

I sit down, immediately feeling my legs burn. I glare at Tom, "This is your fault by the way." He raises his hands acting confused. I lower my eyes at him, purely annoyed.

"I can't fucking walk!" I shout, laughing at his expression. He laughs too, shrugging. "Oops." Bill laughs, making me laugh. "Okay, you're just stupid." I say, trying not to show him that I'm laughing.

He puts his arm around me, holding my chin up to face him. "C'mon, you know you love me." I push his hand away, "We aren't even dating, and last night I was tired as hell." He scoffs, "Yeah, right." I roll my eyes playfully shaking my head.

They finish up their breakfast, and we think about what we want to do today. Saying that I can barely walk, we couldn't go shopping. We couldn't think of anything, until Bill gasped making us both look up.

"We can play some of our board games!" I agree, as well as Tom. "Okay hold on let me get them from our room." He runs upstairs, leaving me and Tom at their table.

He holds me close, looking down upon me. "You know, I just can't get over how pretty you are Ella. You're like a dream." I blush, covering my face with his shirt. "I'm serious, you are." He adds, genuine love lingering in his voice.

"Ella look at me." He pulls my head up to look at him once more, "I think you should know by now. I'm inlove with you." I nod, "Yes I do, go on?" I give him an excited look, knowing what's coming.

It's now that I truly decide I'm inlove with Tom too. "I love you Ella." He kisses me softly, "Please be my gjrlfriend." He looks like a child right now, it was so cute.

"I will Tom, I love you too." I kiss him back, holding his face. His hands are on my jaw and my waist. Bill comes back mid kiss, "I have some games for- AW come on guys!" He says, fake gagging.

We pull away, laughing. "Oh shush Bill, you don't even have anybody yet." He laughs, setting the games down. "Oh just wait till I grow my hair out."

We played games all day and begin laughing when Tom couldn't take losses. "Goddamnit Ella! Again?!" He shouts annoyed, I was dying of laughter so Bill responded for me, barely getting it out. "She's just better than you."

"I can name one thing she's not better at." He says smirking. "Really?" I say turning to him, his proud smirk says it all but I can't deny it either. Afterall I couldn't walk right now because of his skills.

I just roll my eyes, "You know I'm right baby." He says, making me blush. I cover my face, just barely being able to see Bill through my fingers. His jaw is hung open, "Baby?!" He turns to me, tugging on my wrists.

"Ella tell me!" Bill exclaimes, sounding desperate for information. I uncover my face and his eyes widen. Tom doesn't say anything. He's just waiting for me to say something, anything.

"Okay, okay. Me and Tom are together." I tell him, immediately regretting my decision. He shouts in excitement, "Yes yes! Now get married!" He says joking around.

𝐌𝐲 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 - 𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐊𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐳Where stories live. Discover now