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I wake up to Bill's shouting. "Get up sleepyheads!! We're going out!" He shakes us both, Tom holds onto my waist tighter, holding me closer. "Go away Bill I'm tired." Bill begins to look mad as a joke.

"Tom if you don't get your ass up, I'm taking Ella home." Tom's eyes shoot open and he sits us up immediately. "I'm up! I'm up!" He shouts, holding his hands up like he's being arrested. Me and Bill died laughing.

He gets us out of bed and I go to my bag, grabbing my clothes. I go to the bathroom first to change and do my other things.

Tom comes into the bathroom just after I change. "Tom what are you doing?" He looks at me with a childish look in his eyes. "I just want to watch how you get even more pretty." He was like a little boy looking at his first crush. It was adorable, I couldn't lie.

"Alright then, you can sit next to me on the counter if you want." He sits on the counter next to me, analyzing everything I take out of my makeup bag. He watched as I did my hair. I brushed it out, styling it with some of Bill's hairspray.

He takes things out of my makeup bag, reading the different lables to see what they were. He holds up my mascara as I finish with my hair, "What's this?" He looks at me confused, I giggle at him. "That's mascara. It goes on your eyelashes so you can see them. It makes them look longer I guess."

It was harder to explain than I thought, usually everybody knows that item.

"How is it possible for you to look even more pretty than you already are with all this stuff?" He asks me. I laugh at him, "I don't know, magic I guess." I say, teasing him. He pouts as if he really wants to know.

I finish up and put away my things back where I had them. Tom hops off the counter regaining his height. He grabs me by the waist from behind. "I wanna stay here with you, I don't wanna gooo." I pull him away. "Tom don't be a cry baby or I'm leaving you here and me and Bill will go alone."

"Okay, okay fine." He throws a fit.

The other two get ready and I sit on my bed, scrolling through old photos on my phone while I wait. After what felt like forever, they were finally ready. "Let's go!" Bill says.

I stand up putting on my shoes and putting my phone away. Bill drives and Tom sits in the front seat. At this moment I feel like a kid. It was oddly comforting when Tom would occasionally turn around to make sure I was good.

When we arrive, we are at a mall. It clearly has three levels. We have alot of floor to cover. We walk in the doors and our eyes all widen. "Lets go on the 3rd level first!" Bill drags me by my arm over to the elevator, wating for Tom. When he gets there, Bill presses the up button impatiently, clicking it more times than I can count.

Bill pressed the 3 button and we get lifted up. As we stop I feel my stomach drop, everybody else did too because we all giggled at the feeling. The doors opened and we ran after Bill. He led us into a store called "Hot Topic"

It was something I had never seen before. Goth items were everywhere. I ended up finding a cute choker necklace with a separate part that had a cross hanging down. Tom bought the items we found, this conitued all day.

Bill got a couple shirts and a choker with a skull hanging down. I thought it was the coolest thing ever. I mention it to him, "Bill that choker is fuckin awesome." He laughs proudly, "I know!" He says with a wide smile.

We find our way into other stores, gathering bags like hairs in a brush. Me and Bill run in and out of stores finding clothes and different jewlery items, piling bags onto Tom until we finally had to carry some.

We decide that since we've finally made our way to bottom level, we want some snacks. We set the bags down, letting Tom rest while we find something. We walk down the line of different foods.

𝐌𝐲 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 - 𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐊𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐳Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz