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I wake up to my alarm buzzing loudly in my ear. I get up sluggishly. I slam my alarm so it will shut up, with no such luck. I search for the button in the dark, finally finding it. I rub my face and get out of bed, shivering. It was so cold outside of bed.

I walk to my closet, finding the light by touch. I turn on the light and begin my search for clothes for the day. I run through every hanger until I find the perfect shirt. A long tight fit red longsleeve. I walk over to my pants and find my black flared jeans with tight fitted legs.

Then I grab my black and red checkered belt, and some black socks. I put on my bra and clip it, pulling my shirt over shortly after. I pull up my pants and put on the belt, making sure you can see it. I slip my socks on and sit down at my vanity.

I do my makeup quick and simple. It was a small winged eyeliner at the end of my eyes, making the color stand out, and a little black eyeshadow around the edges of my eyes.

I finish with my makeup and go to the bathroom, I decide I'm going to use the dryer to straighten out my hair. I grab it out of the drawer in my bathroom and plug it in the wall.

I grab my paddle brush and begin to straighten my hair.

(10 Minutes Pass By, She's Finished)

I unplug the dryer from the wall and put everything away. I walk out of my bathroom, glancing at my alarm clock. "6:30." I whsiper. I remember the schedule the school sent me said school started at 7:15. I had plenty of time for a quick breakfast.

I open my door, walking downstairs. Dad greets me with his coffee breath, "Hey kiddo." He smiles. "Ew dad, coffee breath." I laugh, he chuckels. "Oops." I walk into the kitchen and grab some soft bread, pulling out jam from the fridge.

I grab a butterknife from the drawer by the sink and open the jam jar, scraping a good amount and spreading it on my bread. I rinse the knife off, putting it in the dishwasher and put away my jam. It was strawberry and cherry combined, it was my favorite since I was 4.

I eat my peice of bread slowly, enjoying the view. The sunrise was very pretty this morning. The house was cold from the air conditioner running all night, and the floors were slick still.

I finish my bread and run back upstairs. As it's now 7:03. I quickly put on my black Dc. Martin's and run downstairs grabbing my backpack off the rack.

I hug my dad goodbye and close the door behind me. He still doesn't have a job so he stays home until one buisness calls him. I walk down the street to my new school, good thing it was in walking distance.

I walk closer to the building, feeling my confidence break as I watch how many kids flood into the school. "This is going to be hard." I think to myself. My stomach is in a knot by the time I reach my classroom, I had to put my bag in a locker.

I decided to write the number on my wrist so I'd remember until I memorize it. I carry my books for each class with me. I find my first class and walk inside. The teacher immediately lights up, not one kid is inside the class.

His face lights up, "Ah! You must be Ella?" I nod at him with a polite yet nervous smile. "Nice to meet you, I'll be showing you your seat, kids will be here soon anyways." He leads me to the back of the class.

"You'll be sitting in between Bill and Richard." I nod, akwardly as I didn't know either boy. He gives me one last reassuring smile before walking off, shortly after more kids spill in. My nerves calm down as I sit back in my seat.

A boy I assume is Richard sits on my left, he's by the wall. He has dirty blonde long hair, straight. He had blue piercing eyes and a bump in his nose, he had small lips.

A few more people come in and sit down, the bell ringing after. The boy next to me never came. Until 30 minutes later. The door opened slowly, a tall boy walked through the door. He was so so tall, and he had feminine features. I thought he was pretty.

Immediately, everybody in the room begin to giggle and snicker at the boy. His hair was spiked up with a peice down in the front, it was black. He had black eyeliner on and a red and white leather jacket. His style was cool honestly. He had a sharp jawline and a long defined neck.

The teacher stops his lesson, "Late again Kaulitz, go sit down." Again? How many times has he been late. When he turns to the class and walks down his isle, I notice his eyebrow piercing. It was cool.

He sits on the right of me, this must be the other boy I sit by. He glances at me, nervously. I give him a friendly smile, his fear lightens up a bit.

I whisper to him, trying to start a good reputation and I thought he looked cool. "Hi, I'm Ella." I smile at him a little more friendly now. He whispers back, his fear dissipating.

"Hey, nice to meet you, I'm Bill." He smiles, his smile is cute. Kid cute. "Are you new here?" He asks. I feel a bit embarrassed but answer. "Yeah, just moved here Friday actually." He looks shocked. "Really?! You're a newbie." He whisper yells.

I laugh quietly, "Yeah I guess you could say that." He smiles sweetly, "Want to be friends? You seem cool. And you're pretty." I blush a bit, thanking him. "Yeah sure."

The rest of the class we talked until we got to pack up, getting ready for the next class. We got a free last 10 minutes. "Hey what's your next class by the way?" I take out my schedule from my back pocket, Bill leaned over my shoulder to help me look. He points, "There! Column 2."

"Ew, maths." I scoff. He laughs, "Oh boy, you have it with my twin brother Tom." I look at him with amazement. "You have a twin?! Cool!" He only laughs. "Lookout for him though, he tries to get in your pants and you push him away. He's got a flirty personality."

I nod, waving him off. "I'll manage. Whats he look like?" Bill begins to describe him, from the sounds of it, these were the coolest twins ever. Tom wore baggy clothes, a beanie and a hat twisted a little to the side. He had brown and blonde dreadlocks.

He was 2 inches shorter than Bill, not that I could tell a difference like that. Bill already towered over me, he even made fun of me for it when we got dismissed from our seats.

We begin to joke about Tom may do, but the bell cut us off. "Good luck!" Bill shouted before going to the other hallway. I started to hope for it, he seems to be the type to make me nervous. I was a wreck around flirtatious boys.

Hopefully he wasn't too cute, it might help me. As soon as I turn the corner, he stood out. I froze for a second. "Shit, he's cute." I think before slowly walking towards him. He notices me as soon as I'm close. I notice he has somewhat of a baby face too, those are cute to me.

"Hey pretty." He says, I hold in my nerves, I was good at controlling them so I didn't blush like an idiot. "Uh hey, I met your brother and he wanted me to introduce myself so we could hangout. We were talking about it in history."

He chuckles, "Dumb Bill, nice to meet you. Whats your name? I'm sure you know mine." I laugh a bit, covering my smile with my books before continuing. "I'm Ella, nice to meet you too Tom." He smirks a cute smirk. My control begins to slip and I blush slightly.

He notices this but doesn't say a word, he just looks away nodding his head like he's proud of himself. I roll my eyes at his stupidity, but at the same time he was kinda funny like Bill.

The teacher lets us in and we go to our seats, she showed me mine. Of course I was next to Tom. I wanted to slap the teacher so bad but I didn't. I sit down next to Tom, nervously adjusting my clothes. I feel his eyes on me, it's very hard to avoid.

He was staring me down hard.


Writers Note:

Ok this book gets sm better!! But can we talk ab the picture of Tom? He looks like eminem 😻💗

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