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We all take a moment to sit down, piling onto Tom's bed because Bill's bed was littered with emtpy bags, jewlery, and clothes. "This has been such a fun day you guys, I'm so happy I met you." I say, making Bill smile sweetly.

His smile is so contagious. "We're happy that we met you too Ella, you're a blast." Tom nods, adding on to Bill's words. "Yeah, and aside from us in general you're mostly so gentle and kind." Bill shakes his head, "Aside from that time you beat up Micheal!"

We all laugh, remembering the moment. "Yeah that was awesome for sure." I say, a proud smirk on my face. "He's definitely not going to touch us again." Tom says, putting his arm around us both pulling us into a hug.

We stay this way for a moment, enjoying each others company. This friendship is inseparable, and we don't even have to say it to know it.

Suddenly, their mom calls us downstairs. She must be done with the pictures. We all get up and run downstairs, Tom slides down the metal railing making a superhero type landing next to us.

"Here you guys go!" She hands us each a picture. Bill gasps, "Oh my gosh we're so cute in this!" He runs upstairs, Tom following. I stay with their mom for a moment, she hugs me tight but not too tight.

She pulls away, holding me by my shoulders. "You know Ella, you really make my boys happy. This is the happiest and most confident I've seen them in years." My heart smiles with my face, was I this important?

"I love them alot, they make me feel happy too." I smile warmly at her, she pulls me back into a hug. "I'm glad, you can call me mom if you'd like by the way. I think of you as my daughter I never had." She laughs, and I do too.

She's the first women that hasn't judged me since I've been here. Every girl at school laughs at me and the teachers are rude, but the twins' mom is so different. I try to hold back my happy tears, "Thank you, mom."

She smiles sweetly, rubbing my back gently before letting me go. "Tell the boys to get ready, we're going out together!" She shouts as I walk up the stairs.

"Okay!" I say, running up the steps now. I run into their room, they're frantically finding a place to put the picture's. "Guys!" They both freeze turning to look at me, "We can wear our new stuff tonight! Your mom is taking us out together!" Bill comes running and picks me up, spinning me.

"We're going to look so hot! We should all match!" he sets me down and we decide what color we're wearing tonight to match.

We decide on purple. I wear my dress with black fishnets to match the sleeves, and a new pair of shoes I got. Bill is wearing a purple sweater with his skull choker, and black flared pants. Tom is wearing his purple hat and a purple T-shirt with his normal pants.

Bill does his hair and make up on one side, and I do mine on the other. Leaving Tom sitting on the toilet watching us. "You guys really don't need all that you know." Bill rolls his eyes, "Yeah we do, we feel better this way." I laugh, trying to not mess up my mascara.

It was purple, me and Bill decided to match makeup. We did his normal smoky eye so he was comfortable, using my purple mascara to make our eyes pop. And for the finishing touch we both drew purple stars on our cheeks.

Bill pulls on his shoes and we run downstairs, leaving Tom behind. He struggles to catch up as we laugh, watching him. She comes around the corner from her room, seeing me and Bill matching. "Wow! I need to capture the three of you matching!!"

She runs back, coming back with her camera again. She tells us to pose, so I have an idea quickly. "Guys hold me up like a triangle!" Bill loves this idea, I sit on each of their shoulders holding a piece sign.

Bill sticks his tounge out, showing his tounge piercing. Tom smirks, tilting his hat and holding up his pants. Together I'm sure we looked iconic.

They help me down and we rush to her sides to see the picture. It falls out and she shakes it again. Like I said, we looked iconic. She sets it on the counter, reminding herself to print more when we get back.

We go outside, getting in her car. Bill gets in the front, leaving me and Tom to sit in the back. She backs out of their driveway and we begin to drive to our unknown fun place tonight.

"Soo where are you taking us mom?" Bill asks, she chuckles a bit. "We're going to a photoshoot, then to dinner." Bill and I look at each other excited. We both squeal, quickly apologizing.

Tom however wasn't excited, infact he was nervous. Bill and I couldn't stop rambling about how excited we were. It was a far drive, so when we finally calmed down a bit I sat back, looking out the window.

The twins' mom was talking to Bill, leaving me and Tom silent. Tom was just casually looking around, until I heard him giggle quietly to himself. I just ingored it, thinking he was just being himself. I didn't think much on it.

Suddenly I feel his lips on my neck, I snap my head over to him. He looks up smirking, making me smile a little but I quickly wipe my smile away. "Tom what are you doing?" I softly whisper to him, hoping the other two didn't hear.

"What? You're just so beautiful I can't help myself." I smile, pushing his head away from my neck. "You're stupid." I whisper, laughing at him. He keeps eye contact with me, not saying anything.

I feel his hand wander up my thigh, I put my hand down stopping him. I whisper to him, keeping our joke running. "I'm not fucking you in a car either Tom." He smiles childishly, releasing his hand from my thigh.

"That's a shame." He says, looking over to me. "If I can't do that, I can definitely do this." He whispers softly, placing his hand on my jaw pulling us close.

He doesn't kiss me, he just stays there for a minute. Our eyes locked in, he's playing with his piercing. I give in, pulling his lips against mine. He smirks in our kiss, making me kiss him harder so he'll stop.

We get more passionate and intimate. He scoots me over, my back pressed against the car door. He has his hand on my jaw still, holding me in place.

His hands travel down my hips, I pull away knowing we're getting carried away. He looks confused for split second, "Remember, I'm not fucking you in a car either." I smile playfully, and he only laughs.

Bill turns around just in time, his eyes widen at us. We're still in the same position, Tom's hands on my hips and jaw, and me up against the door. He doesn't say one word, but motions us to stop before their mom gets weirded out or pissed.

We obey knowing we don't want to be caught. Bill laughs at us as he turns around, making Tom roll his eyes and sigh. "Stupid Bill." He whispers to me, I just laugh at him.

When we get there, Tom is jumping around everywhere he was so nervous. But me and Bill were excitedly jumping around.

We had our hands locked, spinning around and laughing and having a good time while Tom nervously paced. "I'm so exciteddd!!" Bill shouts, "Me too!" I shout back. We laugh again, making Tom roll his eyes playfully.

He jokes with us, "Shut up guys, jeez. You guys are not helping me." We look over to him, Bill sticks his tounge out and I laugh continuing to spin around. Bill replies, "No way Tom, just get used to it." He giggles, turning to me for my reaction.

We were going to have the best night.

𝐌𝐲 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 - 𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐊𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐳Where stories live. Discover now