Heartbeat II Mick Schumacher

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"Just one more date." Mick stopped you from walking by placing himself in front of you.

You'd just been on your 3rd date with Mick, which was a miracle in itself since he'd tried to ask you out for years before you agreed to the first date.

The problem wasn't that you didn't like Mick, in fact, you were incredibly fond of him, it was the fact that Mick was your best friend's crush and he had been ever since you were pre-teens, being only 15 she'd made you swear never to go after him and being a naive 15 year old wanting to keep your bff of course you agreed.

But that's where the issues started, Mick never had eyes for your best friend, only for you. He had sent you flowers every Valentine's Day in school, he had asked you to the high school dances, and he had asked you to go out with him numerous times during your time at school. You never once said yes, being too hard-headed in keeping your best friend's promise, and even after everyone had moved away even you going to a separate university to your best friend Mick still persisted.

Perhaps growing up and maturing would've been the solution to Mick's problem but unlucky for him your best friend still liked him even after all these years, still tried to make a move on him after all these years, and even though she hadn't explicitly asked you again as adults he saw the way she threw dirty glances at you if you even dared to look at Mick a little longer than normal if you talked to him a little longer than for it to just be a friendly chat.

Mick never normally had issues with anyone but god did he hate your best friend so much. So now many years later after Mick's constant persistence, you had finally agreed to go on a date with him hoping that he'd get over this chasing after and leave you alone.

But god did you underestimate him? He was incredible and you hated yourself for never noticing it before.

"Mick you've said that for the past 3 dates." You laughed as he walked you back to your apartment.

"And you've said yes to each of them." He smirked.

You finally reached your building which was your escape. "Good night Mick." You tried to hold back your smile as you walked up the steps.

"I'll text you." His smile was so bright it made your heart warm.

"I'm sure you will." You laughed closing the door. Mick waited until he could see you walking up the stairs and walking off.

You hated how he made you feel so giddy and you couldn't control it, the butterflies going wild in your stomach.

You reached your apartment and lay on the couch when your phone dinged alerting you of a text.

Mick: Did you make it home safe?

You: You watched me get inside Mick

Mick: You could've fallen on the way upstairs

You: I made it home safely Mick. Good night xx

Mick: I like you ☺️

You: I know that Mick. Good night. 

Mick: How did you know? 😮

You: Apart from the fact that you tell me every time we see each other?

You: You can also scroll up and see every other text of you telling me.

You: Now seriously good night x

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