Forget me II Charles Leclerc

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Here he was again, another night of the same thing. The same thing for the last 3 months.

Charles got in the car with the girl he'd met a couple of minutes ago at the club, she'd told him her name but Charles didn't really care to remember it, hers or any of the other girls he'd slept with since this had become a frequent routine of his. Charles was backing out of the parking space, the girl took the liberty to turn on the radio ready to find a song to play on the short car journey.

They were normally too shy to say anything at all to Charles or do anything at all, only wanting sex and to be able to say they slept with the F1 heartthrob for the 15 minutes of fame and Charles didn't mind that, he just wanted to take his mind off...things. But he hadn't been careful this time, he didn't take the time to look for a quiet girl tonight and instead was now "stuck" with a girl who seemed very overconfident and comfortable.

"Turn it off." Charles quietly but firmly demanded as he was focused on the road.

She laughed not taking him seriously. "Oh c, mon, let's have some fun, dance and sing along."

Charles rolled his eyes and suppressed a sigh. He shut the radio off himself. "This isn't fun, I hate music." He muttered.

"Who hates music? Nobody hates music!" She obnoxiously argued, her high-pitched voice hurting Charles's ears already.

She was about to reach to turn the radio on again before Charles stopped her, pushing her hand away.

She's getting on his last nerve. "well I do and this is my car so why don't you just stay quiet for the rest of the ride."

She was slightly taken aback but laughed it off, thinking he was simply horny and desperate to get into bed with her already.

The silence now allowed Charles to get caught up in his thoughts.


There was a time he was in love with it, he could listen to just about anything, and music fed his soul. Until y/n.

With y/n there was hardly ever a moment they didn't listen to music, dance along to it, sing their heart out, or laugh until they cried trying to play different instruments or when he tried to teach her how to play the piano and failed miserably, god did that girl could dance, she could even sing but getting her close to an instrument was scary, the memory almost made him laugh again. 

Until he remembered how it ended in the biggest mistake of his life.

That look of hurt and betrayal in her eyes caused a sting and burning in his heart that he could never shake off, that he still carried with him and that haunted him every day, the knot that remained embedded in his throat, making it a chore to breathe every single day since that day.

The moment you left taking the last piece of air and light away with you.

Only after you left did he realize how darkness consumed him, you were the most breathtaking woman he'd ever seen but it was you, your soul, your way of being that brought so much light into his life, his world.

He'd always prayed and imagined finding that love, a love that left you breathless, a love that left you craving for more each day but at the same time filled you with so much you couldn't possibly wish for more. A love that made your heart race and slow down at the same time, that let you be the real you, the better version of you. A love that felt like home, a love that felt like you.

The kind of love he had with her.

He hurt her. Y/n left taking every beautiful thing in his life with her.

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