Stalker II Carlos Sainz

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"Wow, what a race." Martin sighed. 

"Max Verstappen 3rd after some issues with his car, Carlos Sainz comes home to take 2nd place much to the displeasure of the crowd after what could've been a 1st place." Crofty continues. 

"This ongoing battle between those two has kept us all on our toes these past few races and I'm sure it's not doing much for their already rocky relationship." Martin laughed. 

"Yeah I'm sure Carlos will have a lot to say about Y/L/N moves during the race but wow what phenomenal racing we have witnessed today." Croft finished. 


Climbing out of the car you felt on top of the world, things were finally working the car was amazing and your team had finally found the sweet spot allowing you to fight for the wins you knew you had always been capable of achieving. 

Yes, winning in Monaco had been an unforgettable achievement but there was certainly something about winning on the home race of your biggest rival that brought a whole new level of satisfaction. 

You celebrated with your team before running over to weigh yourself earning a hug and a pat on the shoulder from the current world champion and nothing but a scoff from the Spaniard. 

While Max gave his interview you stood to the side drinking water and quickly braiding your hair before the interview, not liking the sweaty and wet look your hair earned after a race. Carlos walked in front of the cameras next. 

"Carlos Sainz." The crowd roared at their beloved driver. "2nd place, the highest you've placed in your home race after another intense battle with y/n, how are you feeling?" Naomi asked. 

"Yeah, I'm happy I was able to get on the podium here-" He was interrupted by another roar of the crowd, him waving to the grandstands. "but ultimately I'm disappointed because I know I could've gotten first place, I was barely left with space when racing so I guess some dirty driving paid off for the winner," Carlos explained causing an eye-roll from you which wasn't missed by the cameras. 

"Alright thank you, Carlos, congratulations." Naomi smiled although you could tell it was forced, you and her were close and she knew all about this little battle with Carlos on and off track often siding with you on the tussles. 

"Y/N Y/L/N!" Naomi called your name as you approached the camera, her smile bright as ever watching her good friend gain yet another win on her second season. Except the crowd didn't seem to like your success as the booing was so loud you could've sworn it could be heard across the country. 

To be fair you didn't expect anything different since after all you had beat their pride and joy in his own home race. "Thank you guys." You joked making a heart with your hands at the crowd. 

"Your first consecutive win on your second season, your breaking records as the first female in F1 after so many years, how does it feel?" Naomi asked, this seemed to earn a couple of cheers here and there. 

"Honestly it's unbelievable I can't thank my team enough for all the hard work they've been putting on the car and on the strategies, I knew it was just a matter of time for us to be able to show where we belong." No one could shake off your smile right now. 

"Now I have to ask, how was the battle with Carlos? Did you feel at any point you would have to stop fighting and let him go?" She asked. 

"Uhhh I mean the voice of my engineer in my ear constantly telling me to mind my tires was certainly nerve-wracking-" You caused a laugh from everyone. "But I'm not one to give up easily so I was going to do everything in my power to keep him behind and I knew it would only take a few turns for him to make a mistake and give me the seconds I needed to create a gap, they always do." You decided to take a dig of your own. 

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