Second lot of answe- oh you get the drill.

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Gaster Y/n: Ah, another one from shadowsans087. This one says "Have any of you seen the omniverse before?" I myself have researched into its existence and I can confirm it is in fact real.

Magolor Y/n: My ancestors also researched it. Apparently, they had planned to modify a Clockwork Star so it could be used to ferry them on that expedition. How that went is anyone's guess.

MissingNo.: Allow me to explain, gentlemen. You see, the omniverse is like a soup kitchen. And what do you have in a soup kitchen? Soups and stews. The pots of soup and stew are multiverses in and of themselves, drifting around because of each other's gravitational effects. The same can be said for universes in a multiverse, galaxies in a universe, you get the picture. 

Gamma: Does not compute.

Star Dream Y/n: Okay, the most perverted one is also the expert in inter-multiversal studies. Who would've thought.

MissingNo.: As I said to Red before, I am a direct contradiction to the laws of reality. Hence why I'm a literal glitch.

Shockwave Y/n: Right. Thank you for the question. Next please.

Y/n multiverse (and Gamma) QNAWhere stories live. Discover now