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Star Dream Y/n: Another question from Sonic3399. I think we have our own fanclub guys! For everyone: What is your most embarrassing secret. If you don't want to tell, that's fine.

Shockwave Y/n: I'll go first. I died... But not from being a hero, saving someone from a robbery or anything like that. I was going up a ladder to paint the wall on the back of my house when I realized the dumb apes who sold it to me didn't put the screws in properly. Next thing I know, I snap my neck on the way down and that's how I met Aqua. Log THAT one in Stupid Deaths.

Aqua: I remember that! Haha! that was funny!

Shockwave Y/n: I agree, it was pretty funny.

Star Dream Y/n: Did I ever tell you guys about the time Yang roped me into a fart prank at Signal Academy? Basically she gave me a list of ingredients for not just any curry, but the Rectus Extinctus. Renowned for wrecking people's digestive systems. Anyway, I made it and Yang ate the whole lot before PE and SOMEHOW didn't wind up with stitch from it. They couldn't go in the locker rooms for MONTHS afterwards.

Rottytops. Damn... I wish I could've seen that!

Y/n: Yeah, she pinned the blame on me and I ended up getting suspended for as long as it took for them to air out that whole wing of the academy. I got revenge on her soon after though when I tricked her into throwing a dodgeball straight into Uncle Qrow's groin. Now we're even!

Mecha Sonic Y/n: ...

Ruby: C'mon, tell them! Pleeeeease *puppy eyes*

Mecha Sonic Y/n: Okay fine, I may or may not have my world's biggest collection of Marvel merch. Closely followed by Sage.

Magolor Y/n: ... Mine's less embarrassing and more sad than anything.

Blake: Sadder than the whole... You know.

Magolor Y/n: You remember when I said I was alone for most of my early childhood? Well... At one point, when I was, like, five or something... There were three people who I considered genuine friends... You'll have to forgive my memory though. It's a bit blurry. One had blue hair, she gave off a gentle cool vibe. The second had red hair and was the loud, energetic and overprotective one... Especially over me and the blue one. The third had yellow hair and always seemed to carry this air of responsibility. But even then I could see a much more tender side of her begin to show every now and then. We promised each other we'd always be together... But one day they disappeared. I do sometimes wonder if they're still out there somewhere...

Gaster Y/n: I believe they are. You just need to hang onto the hope you'll see them again, friend.

Magolor Y/n: Thanks G.

Red Y/n: "I don't have one. MissingNo. however,"

MissingNo.: Dude, as your Sacred Gear, I'm BEGGING you not to do this!

Red Y/n: "Alright."

MissingNo.: Phew.

Darkrai: Which is why I'm gonna do it instead. See, MissingNo. can travel to fictional worlds through the internet as well as their real counterparts thanks to his being a glitch. And given his... Preferences... I think you all can guess where this is leading to. Over four thousand folders. That's all I'm saying.

Gaster Y/n: Well there was the time I woke up from an exhaustion induced pass-out to find Neo snuggled onto my chest like a kitten. The embarrassing part came when she woke up because she immediately told me "no work for you!" and pampered me the whole day. Gotta say, I've never felt so spoiled in my life.

Cinder: She's not even your sister! I AM! It should be MY job to spoil you!

Gaster Y/n: Right...

Void Y/n: I have a habit... of eating everything...

Mecha Sonic Y/n: What, like food or-


Lapis: He's not joking. I once caught him trying to eat a broken down car.

Gamma:  I once used iron sand to give myself a beard.

Mecha Sonic Y/n: Wait, for real!?

Penny: Yeah, it was a costume party and Gamma wanted to be Gandalf so he can shout "YOU SHALL NOT PASS" at anyone not on the list.

Dust Y/n: Did I ever tell you about the time I trolled Starscream using a voice replicator, waited for Megatron to turn his back and say "Hey Megatron! Bite my shiny metal aft!". That was the BEST moment of my whole career!

Arcee: I would be angry... But that was actually really funny.

Dust Y/n: Couldn't agree more! Anyway, thanks for the question Sonic3399. Next please!

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