Chapter 16 - The Funeral

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We sat in the front row of the huge church. Francesca was solemn as she stared at the walls. We had been sitting in the same locked positions for about ten minutes before the funeral service began. The casket that Leonardo Vitali was in was pushed forward by two men who were dressed in black suits.

I studied Vinchenzo and he seemed rather unbothered. I didn't know if that was truly how he felt or if it was a front he was putting on. Gianni on the other hand looked furious. He even chose not to sit with us but rather in the pew parallel to us. It seemed as though the trauma of losing his father brought back his memories. The mysterious Sergio was nowhere to be seen.

The priest began the service and I looked around as many women were sobbing. The men looked rigid. Everyone was dressed in all black, not a speck of colour could be seen amongst the crowd. The service was over on in a blink.

"We will be moving to the Vitali Grand Hall for the reception." Tristiaan announced on the microphone as everyone made their way out.

The drive back home was quiet. Gianni opted to take an uber back home instead of coming with us. The house that we had been living in was converted to serve the thousands of people who showed up to Leonard's funeral to honour him. Sienna, the twins and Dante had all meticulously handled the planning whilst the staff had carried everything out perfectly. There were lots of flower arrangements hanging around, there was multiple long tables set out across the hall each with its own cutlery and crockery. The event was fit for a coronation of a King.

I watched in silence as people poured into the hall like ants. There were so many people that I was worried that the hall would not fit, but it somehow did.

"Please be seated." Vinchenzo yelled and everyone shushed themselves and found a spot to sit in.

"I would like to thank all of you for coming out today," Vinchenzo began, "to celebrate my father, Leonard Vitali, a man who will truly be missed."

Vinchenzo cleared his throat and strolled to the top of the room.

"My father was a man of great success as I am sure many of you are aware. We would be here for an incredibly long period of time if I had to recite every single thing, he has accomplished so instead I have chosen to simply state the biggest." Vinchenzo said as he looked around the room.

Every single person on the hall was captivated by him, including myself. Vinchenzo had this aura that made you respect him. The way he spoke was enchanting.

"Leonardo loved children," Vinchenzo began, and I noticed him grit his teeth, "Because of this love he built a children's hospital and entirely funded many researches that took place. He always loved giving back to the community who had given him so much over the years. He always walked hand in hand with generosity. With that I ask everyone for a moment of silence so that we may recall all our favourite moments."

After about three minutes Vinchenzo looked up, "Possa la sua anima riposare in pace." He muttered.

[May his soul rest in peace.]

Vinchenzo walked away and came and sat next to me. He was silent, more than usual. He didn't eat a single bite and slowly looked at all the guests who seemed to no longer be grieving as they drank the alcohol and ate the food. A few hours later, all the guest had left and the staff began cleaning the room when Vinchenzo grabbed a bottle of whiskey and began drinking it till it was finished. Then he drank a second and then a third.

"I don't think that is a good idea." I said gently to him and tried to pull the bottle away from him, but he refused to give it to me. He did not seem drunk to me, but I could not be sure about that.

"No." he said as he pushed my hand away.

I sighed as I watched him down his drink with no care in the world.

When Francesca walked into the room and saw the empty bottles, she looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I tried stopping him, but I wasn't able to." I said and she watched in silence as he stood up and began to sway.

"Where are you going?" I demanded as I immediately jumped to my feet and ran to help him.

"To sleep." He said as I put my arm around his waist to steady him.

"I don't think that is a good idea. Drink some water and sober up." I told him.

I was genuinely concerned for him. I had never seen him in a state like this before. He was always in control, always aware of what he did. This was a whole new look for him.

"Leave me alone. I want to sleep." He complained and I sighed.

"You'll choke on your vomit." I said cringing at the thought.

I wasn't sure how true that was but the thought of that ever happening was horrendous.

"That would be awesome."

"You don't mean that." I said to him.

"Only, I do. Let me sleep." He said and I sighed.

"Have some coffee." Francesca said as she sat on the couch.

"Not you too – leave me alone."

"Okay." Francesca said as she flipped through the channels on the tv.

I honestly thought that she would put more effort into making sure her brother was okay, but she seemed unbothered. In her mind she probably thought that she had done what she needed to and now the consequences of refusing her suggestion were on his shoulder.

I could agree with that. Sometimes letting people do what they want was the best option. I decided to just watch whatever Francesca chose but that was when a strange man walked in and Francesca jumped in.

"What are you doing here?" She hissed venomously. 

Hey Reddies!

I hope you guys are well! I am ecstatic as I just finished my final exam of the semester! So now I have like two weeks off - thank goodness.

Anyways let me know how you found this chapter! Please vote if you liked it and see you next update!



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