Chapter 11 - Sebastian The Crab

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"Everyone has everything?" Vinchenzo asked as he looked at all of us.

I saw everyone nod. Francesca looked as though she was going to throw up any minute and I did not blame her. The smell was terribly nauseating. Throwing up was the least reaction to all of this. I wondered what Dr. Felicity would think about all of this.

Vinchenzo and Trevor lead all of us out of the safe house. Sienna had come up from the compound to collect all of us and take us back safely. When she saw me, she hugged me and I hugged her back. Currently, any affection being given to me was appreciated.

The drive back to the compound was a long one. No one spoke the whole time. I isolated myself in my thoughts as I recalled all that had transpired. The only thought that I had was that the women knew something and that was why Eliza condemned them to death. Either that, or she was hoping she could take all of us out because she was well aware of the threat we posed.

Honestly, my mind wandered to the concept where I believed that Diego was working for her. Why would he be so aggressive towards everyone? I had never once denied giving him my position as heir to the great Vass mafia. Everything seemed to be tied up to one another somehow. The mafia life was a sick, vicious cycle that once you were involved in... there was no way out. Whether you liked it or not.

Three years ago I had come into this world with nothing but determination to destroy all of it. To rip out its roots and leave it dead instead here I am engaged to the mafia leader running away from another mafia. How things change. I had never expected this to ever happen.

As soon as Sienna drove through the gates of the compound and stopped the car, I immediately slid the door open and hopped out. I needed a shower desperately.

The guards watched us all in silence as we trudged through the main door to the mansion. It felt very awkward to me, but I didn't know why. It was all so weird. As soon as I made it to my room, I turned on the boiling hot water and scrubbed myself with soap to the point where I was sure I resembled the color of a lobster - or even Sebastian the crab from The Little Mermaid story. I needed to get all the blood, grime, and sweat off my body. I needed to feel clean again. One never knows the privilege of being able to take a shower, hot or cold, until they are unable to take one for a while.

When I walked out of my bathroom, Sienna was laying on my bed.

"Wow, Sebastian is that you?" She laughed and I cracked a small smile.

"Not funny." I commented.

"But you are smiling." She grinned.

Sienna seemed to be in a lighter mood, and I was happy for her. She needed to feel happiness. She had been through so much.

"It was a little funny." I said and she smiled.

"What happened? You don't look very well. You look sickly pale."

"I am always pale!" I protested.

"I know," Sienna nodded, "Which is why I said a sickly kind of pale. You look like you need a drink."

"More than one drink."

"That bad?" She asked with a frown.

"Unfortunately, the answer to your question is yes times a billion."

Sienna looked at me with concern masking her face.

"Tell me." She demanded.

I shook my head, "I do not feel like burdening you with anything. Trust me, the thought makes me want to go insane."

"I am the leader of the Ceruleans remember? I have seen a lot of things. I have heard a lot of things. I swear to you that I can handle this." She explained.

I nodded, "I know that you are a strong woman Sienna."

"So tell me."

"Claudia is dead. She was killed."

"What! What about Hayden?"

I frowned at the mention of the little boy, "He is not here?" I gulped.

Sienna shook her head, "Claudia left. She took him with her and we have not seen or heard of either of them."

"We have to tell Vinchenzo. Looks like they have Hayden kidnapped and probably being held for ransom."

"That could be true but how did you know that Claudia was killed?"

The minute she asked that question, I leaned over the bed and threw up. Sienna ran to fetch an empty bag as I coughed up a storm. As I leaned back, Sienna returned and passed me a tissue and I wiped my mouth with it.

"I am not asking that question again." She said as I stood up to fetch a mop and some bleach to clean up the mess I had made.

"Please don't." I sighed, "The memory still is very fresh and rather disturbing. I hate recalling it." I shuddered.

Sienna nodded as we walked to closet and fetched all of the cleaning supplies. When I returned to my room, I quickly set to work cleaning and scrubbing the floor to get rid of the smell. Sienna opened the windows.

"That should let the smell out."

"Thanks for helping." I said and she nodded.

"I didn't do anything besides literally open a window."

"But still, you... being here means a lot." I said with a grateful smile.

Sienna nodded as she frowned, "Hayden."

I knew what she meant. We had to tell Vinchenzo.

"Do we go now?" I said feeling hesitant.

"If we want that child alive we have to."

"What if he was killed too," I whispered.

Sienna looked away and then back at me, "Let us hope they spared him. He is innocent after all."

"The Stalias clan are merciless."

"Well, Inigo was pretty against the murder of innocents. He didn't dabble with that. He always used to say his conscious felt heavy after an innocent was taken out."

"And how do you know so much?" I asked, feeling rather curious.

"I will tell you that story later. Right now, we have a little boy to save."

Hey Reddies!

Extra update this week! 

If you enjoyed this chapter, please make sure to vote and comment letting me know your thoughts! 

A new update will be coming tomorrow! I am so excited for you guys to see what I ahve up my sleeves :) 



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