Thank You

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Hey Reddies!

It blows my mind to think that I first started this tetralogy all the way back in July 2020. That feels so long ago. It's almost hard to believe that all four books are finally completed.

I just wanted to say thank you to every single person who has been supporting me on this journey with Arianna and Vinchenzo all the way from the start (Reds Mafia Leader) to the end (Reds Redemption).

I am incredibly thankful for all of you, whether you commented, whether you voted, and even if you ghost read, you all mean the world to me! Thank you all so very much!

Please do leave a comment letting me know what you thought about this book or even the whole series! I love reading all of your thoughts and comments!

I'm extending another thank you to all those who: voted, commented, shared this book, or even added it to their reading list. You all have motivated and inspired me to finish this book and the series and I'm glad that you hopefully do like it.

Thank you for giving this book and series a chance and I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

I honestly can't believe that it is over and I will definitely be missing Arianna and Vinchenzo along with the whole crew.

I have thought about creating a spin-off for Dante and Sienna or perhaps even one of the Vitali siblings but I am not sure if any of you would be interested in reading it. If you are let me know!

Anyways thank you for reading and supporting me! I am eternally grateful to you all!

Signing off with lots of love


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