Chapter 12 - Too Many Goodbyes

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"What are we going to do if he refuses to do anything about the boy?" Sienna asked as we walked into the Cerulean scheme and went all the way to the back to recline on the couches. I wanted a small break before going to Vinchenzo with the issue that we had.

"We find Sergio. I am sure he will care." I said thoughtfully.

"You are right. At the end of the day, it is his son. He will probably search the entire globe for him. He has to." Sienna said and I gave her a small smile.

"Of course." I whispered.

"Let me get us a drink before we go inside," Sienna said and I agreed.

Moments later she came back with some cold beers. I popped the lid open and began sipping. I had never liked the taste of beer. The first time I tried it, it was awful. It made me never want to try any alcohol again. I didn't feel the same now that I was drinking it. I didn't like the taste but it didn't stand out to me as much. I guess the pain of life affected me way more than the awful taste of beer beverages.

"I hope Hayden is okay," Sienna whispered.

I nodded, "I will do what I can to find him."

"I am sure Claudia would be relieved."

"She would."

"Otherwise we resort to plan S."

"S?" I asked, "Would it not be plan B?"

"Nope. Plan S. As in Plan find and drag Sergio back to America so he can find and rescue his child and then take him home and give him the love and nurture that he deserves."

I nodded, "I understand."

"I just don't want that kid to be alone out there. I see what has happened to kids who get abandoned at such a young age. They don't turn out so well. They miss out on so much. They don't get to have that sheltered life that kids want... that they need."

"Not all of them fall off the bandwagon you know. Some have become some of the most successful people out there. Some fall off but manage to get back on."

"You are right."

"We need to be more positive here. I can't handle all this ridiculous negativity that is coming at me from left, right, and center."

"I am sorry." She apologized and leaned away.

"It's not your fault," I said as I turned to look at her, "Life has been so hard recently. It just keeps getting worse."

Sienna sighed.

"Either way, let us go save that child - before anything traumatic does actually happen to him," I said smiling at her.

I did not mean to hurt her with my words but that was how I felt. The minute I began to feel any sort of happiness in my life, tragedy has to take a swipe at us. In school, we got the lesson first and then the test, but life was different... life was special. Life gives you the test first and the lesson later. Life is like a wild rollercoaster you either hang on tight and watch out for the curves or you get flung off.

Right now, I felt as though my fingers were straining to keep holding on. The curves were coming out of nowhere and I had no choice but to endure the ride. "Endurance makes you invincible. If you can endure through anything, you can do what you please." My mother always used to say to me and my sister. Back then, I never knew what she was talking about but I know I did. Back then, I never understood but now I do.

Sienna and I both marched to Vinchenzo's office and banged on the door. If we wanted to find Hayden, we had to do so quickly. Besides, Vinchenzo would probably have to get in touch with his brother Sergio about the situation anyways.

"Enter!" A voice called.

I gently pushed the door open and found Vinchenzo staring in despair at a box. My worry increased exponentially as I have never seen him show emotion like this.

"What's wrong?" I asked him but he remained silent as he sipped his whiskey.

"Vinchenzo!" I called, "What is going on? What is in that box?"

It was to no avail. He was too stunned to speak it seemed. I sighed and walked around his desk and gasped. Another skull.

"What is the meaning of this?" I questioned.

"Is it Hayden's?" Sienna asked worried.

I shared her assumptions. I didn't want them to be true though. Hayden was an innocent boy. He didn't deserve to die at such a young age.

"We are hoping it is not, or at the very least I am," Tristiaan said as he walked into the room. His blonde hair was messy and he looked like he had seen terrifying ghosts somewhere.

"Whose do you think it is?" I said and noticed that there was a folded note laying on the desk.

"It might be Sergio's, but I doubt it. If we don't know of Sergio's location, then how would Eliza know?" Tristiaan asked as he took a seat and poured himself some whiskey in an empty glass.

"I don't think it's Sergio's." I whispered as I studied Vinchenzo's emotionless face.

"Vinchenzo hasn't shared any insight on who it could be." Tristiaan said, "He has been drinking himself into oblivion. That's his tenth full glass."

"Fifteenth." Vinchenzo muttered and I sighed as I pushed his glass away from him.

"Who?" I asked him as he looked at me.

No response. I grabbed the note and unfolded it gently. Whoever had written the note had a very elegant script. It looked as though it was done by some professional calligrapher. I, however, could not read what it said because it was written in Italian.

"It is in Italian," I spoke and Tristiaan put his hand out to me. I delicately placed the note in his hand, and he frowned as he read it.

Tristiaan murmured a string of curse words as he downed his entire glass.

"An explanation would be nice!" I demanded.

"Leonard Vitali is no more." He whispered.

Hey Reddies

You did not expect that one... whoops?

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