𝐢𝐢. 𝐷𝑒𝑒𝑝 𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑡

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The had arrived in Munich, Grmany where a shipment was waiting for them a few miles out the city by an abandoned warehouse. Jihoon stood by her side as they ushered everyone to tie loose ends so they could hit the road. Karli had jumped into the back of the truck while a few of their men carried the last bit of cargo into the trucks.

"Gentle guys, don't want to play hide and seek with body parts okay" Fallon chastised as they lowered the crate. Niko approached them, clipboard in hand as he eyed the last of their stuff. "everything seems in order, you ready to go" he said as she nodded. A weird sensation had her looking over her shoulder and into the dark warehouse behind them, the room stilled but a flash of red caught her attention. She didn't think they were alone.

"we need to go." She prompted them. "' I think were being tailed''.

They nodded briskly, Niko shouting the go ahead while Jihoon banged the side of the truck twice. They closed the doors briskly before hopping into the vehicle.

They had made it onto the open road when the uneasy in Fallon came back. "How do you know we're being tailed" Niko asked as he glanced over at her, she sat in the passenger seat, her eyes glued to the truck in front of her, containing their medicine, vaccines, and basically all the help they could give to their people but most of all Karli was monitoring it.

"A feeling "she said before a blur caught her attention. She twisted in her seat, a low growl escaping her lips when she realised, she was right. An uninvited guest leapt forward onto the back of the truck In front of her, opening the door and slipping in.

"Shit" Niko swore as he radioed the vehicle in front of them, Fallon tugging her mask over her head and contacting Jihoon who along with a few of the guys were getting ready to attack.

"There's no way he is human" Niko said as it was impossible for any human to catch up to them on foot or even be able to make it onto their vehicle if not for something pumping their veins. Maybe he was like them, maybe not. In all honesty she did not care. All that mattered was he was getting in the way and whether or not he was stupid enough to come alone.

She watched as Karli stood before him a grin on her face before she planted her foot square into his chest. His body sailed backwards, crashing into them, cracking the windscreen. Jihoon and his men grabbed him and hoisted him up onto the roof, throwing him across as he skidded down the length of the vehicle.

" Don't stop" she ordered Niko who glanced at her in worry before she opened the door and hoisted herself onto the roof.

"Fallon there's another one" she heard from behind as the wind tore around her.

A red drone flew past her as she heard a thud of boots before Karli sprinted past her, slamming her fist into his face as his arms were held back by two of Jihoon's men.

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