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We arrive outside of school with 10 minuets left. We walk inside.

Ray walks slower behind me. "Come on, let's head to class," I say and drag him to our first class.

We sit in our normal seats. Like normal, Ray grabs his book and starts reading. I take one of his hands off of his book and hold it. "Normannnn, let me gooooo, I want to readddd," he whines. "You can read," I say gripping his hand tighter. "Whatever," he sighs. He repositions his book and turns the page.

"Ok class!" The teacher shouts, "we are now starting with our lesson!"

The teacher continues to teach, as Ray continues to read. I play with his hand during class. I randomly squeeze his hand.

As the teacher continues to teach, I continue to be distracted by Ray. He looks so interested in whatever he's reading.

I already know all the stuff the teacher is teaching. It's easy basic lessons for the kids my age. Couldn't the lessons be any harder?

Ray cracks a smile at one point and my heart nearly exploded. His smile is absolutely adorable. I flush red as my face heats up.  He really is absolutely adorable.
After school, Ray and I walk home together. "Bye Ray," I start. "Wait, come here," Ray demands. I walk up to him. He grabs my hand and drags me towards his house.

He drags me through the door. "Hello boys," Isabella smiles at us. "Hey mom," Ray greets. "Hey Isabella," I greet before Ray drags me up to his room. 

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