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I wake up to my alarm going off. I check my phone. I have multiple texts from Norman.

Good morning Ray!

Are you up?

I'll be at your house at 7:30

It was 7:25. I rush out of bed and jump in the shower. I quickly shower and change into my school clothes. I brush my teeth, and grab my brush. I brush my hair and carelessly toss it around.

"RAY! NORMANS HERE!" My mom calls. "COMING," I shout back and quickly rush down the stairs. "I didn't think he'd be up," I hear my mom tell Norman as I reach the bottom of the stair case.

"Hey!" I yell at her. "What! You're a deep sleeper ray!" She shouts back. "Good morning, Ray," Norman softly smiles at me. "Oh Hey Norman," I smile back. "Come on, Ray, we wouldn't want to be late," he says as he winks at me. I turn a bright shade of red as he grabs my hand and drags me out the door. "Bye Isabella!" He shouts before closing the door behind us.

"How are we gonna pull this off?" I ask him. "We probably just need to be more touch and flirty," he chuckles, and holds my hand. I blush a bright red, as he squeezes my hand.

"You ready, Ray?" He asks when we arrive outside the school. I slowly nod as I squeeze his hand and smile. "Yup," I respond, popping the p.

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