The Weasleys

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Auroranossen on Twitter and Instagram - I will be posting illustrations!

Bella woke up the next morning to Fred and George staring at her from both sides. Their faces only inches away from hers. She jumped up in surprise, also waking Ginny the girl she shared room with. "Fred, George, get lost!" She yelled throwing a pillow at them.

When they approached the kitchen table they were ordered to eat in a hurry. Going on and on about a portkey. "Ron, Harry! You are late!" Hermione yelled up the stairs, trying to get the boys down as fast as possible. Ron yawned, imitating a lion, while Harry was more like the silent kind of guy in the morning.

Ron was about to open his mouth for a mouthful of waffles, but was broken off by the twins who in some kind of way managed to get everyone except Molly out of the house. "Hurry, we are going to be late!" Mr. Weasley said with a smile as he waved them along.

They wandered through the woods until Ron shouted panting behind. "How far away are we?" "We'll be there soon!" Mr. Weasley yelled back. Bella on the other hand was enjoying herself, sitting on Fred and George shoulders. Suddenly a short man with glasses and a green backpack jumped down from a tree. "Amos Diggory, everyone" Mr. Weasley said and gave a friendly handshake. A much taller and younger boy with dark brown hair and the same eyes as Amos jumped down not long after. "Meet my son Cedric." Amos said proudly.

"And you! You must be Harry Potter, Cedric is..." Amos began, speaking with a very shy and embarrassed Harry. He didn't quite fit the roll of being famous; he had gotten the popularity in the media and he did not want it. Amos went on and on about how proud he was of Cedric and everyone began to get tired of it after a few moments.

"It's over there!" Mr. Diggory said as they approached a steep hill called The Stoatshead Hill. Located outside the village of Ottery St. Catchpole. "Shall we, we don't want to be late." Mr. Weasley said as they approached an old boot. "Get yourself into a good position." Amos said and they gathered around. Bella looked confused up at them, why were they standing around an old boot. But her question was answered when Harry asked. "Why are they all standing around that mankey old boot?"

"That isn't just any old boot, it's a portkey." Said Fred as George placed Bella in the middle of them. "What's a portkey?" She asked worriedly, but in that moment Mr. Weasley said. "Time to go!" It began glowing blue. "Bella! Take the shoe!" Fred yelled and she obeyed just in the right second. The familiar feeling of being sucked inside a tube and then spit out again approached her stomach, and they landed with a thump on the not so comfortable grass. Mr. Weasley, Mr. Diggory and Cedric landed gracefully, smiling down at them while they brushed off their clothes. Fred and George, together with Ron looked rather embarrassed that they couldn't land that way. Bella on the other hand had her gaze turned elsewhere. Because when you turned your head around you could see miles of small tents, pipes sticking up from them and giving out smoke. "Wow." She breathed.

They all made their way into the crowd. People were selling different kinds of rare object on the way. "Tell me boys, are you in for a bet?" Amos Diggory asked, having a glint in his eye. Bella found that rather suspicious, while he showed them the pink sack of gold he had. "Sure you're on!" The twins said and began discussing their bets. "I don't think that's a good idea." Bella whispered to George, but he ignored her, telling her that this was something for the 'big boys'"

The place was truly amazing and it was in these kinds of situations that she wished she had three heads. "Ah home sweet home." Arthur said and opened the tent for them. There were no way they would all fit in there, but people began going in. It ended up with Bella being the last one to walk inside. The sight that met her was astonishing. The tent looked at least ten times bigger and contained a kitchen, bedroom and a living room. "I love magic!" She and Harry gasped at the same time.

Later on the world cup began. They were walking up the stairs to their seat."How far along are we?" Ron complained again. "Look at it this way, if it rains you'll be the first to know." A very familiar voice spoke. The voice Bella had wished she would never hear again in her life. Slowly she looked down to see a man with shoulder length hair. "Ah, I think we have some unfinished business." Lucius spoke calmly, looking at her. She turned around to leave. But he stopped her, the silver snake on the top of his cane holding her back, by gripping her arm. "I hope Severus gave you what you deserve, jumping from one family to the other." He spoke in a disgusted tone. Draco didn't even give her a second glance, before following the tracks of his beloved father.

"What did he mean by that?" Fred nudged her in her shoulder. Bella swallowed. "Nothing." Her face pale and her voice no louder than a whisper. There was a lot of bumping and pushing by people going down the stairs, trying to find their seats. One man with a bob hat almost ran her over.

The game was amazing and she decided that Victor Krumm was definitely the best seeker she had ever seen in her life. When they were back in the tent Fred and George tried to convince her that her statement was wrong. "No, no, no! Didn't you see Mulet and Muran?" Fred and George said accusingly, of course only in a joking way.

"My wand! It's gone!" She suddenly shrieked out. Turning the subject completely around. She felt all her pockets, but they were empty. "I swear I had it when we got here." She said, beginning to feel anxious. What would Snape say when he found out? "Calm down Bella, you probably left it at home, you'll find it soon." Fred said, lighting the fire in the tent. "No, I swear. After what happened with the Malfoys I-"She cut herself off, realizing what she was saying.

There were several screams outside, taking Fred's attention. "It looks like the Irish are celebrating." George mumbled to his brother. "No it's not the Irish, we have to get out of here. Fast!" Mr. Weasley spoke. Suddenly the tent was set on fire and they ran out. Men dressed in black with masks were walking around in patrols. Shooting spells and curses, ruining others good time. "Fred, George, Ginny is your responsibility." Arthur spoke while taking out his wand and heading for the men in black. Taking on the duty of protecting people. Fred grabbed her arm as they ran through the mass, but people pushed and bumped into each other. Her foot slipped, and a man ran into her. Making her slip from Fred's grasp and landing on the ground with a thump. When she looked up they were no where in sight. People were running everywhere and her small body was invisible down on the ground. She shielded herself as much as possible, so as not to get too many injuries when people ran over her. Her head however soon turned heavy and everything became black.

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