Meeting with a murderer and the term 'mud blood'

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Auroranossen on Twitter and Instagram - I will be posting illustrations!

People got up from their places and hurried around in panic. Bella did exactly the same, not knowing where to go. Everyone was so fast. She couldn't see her father-Snape. "Dad?" She shrieked in pure panic, surrounded by the chaos. People pushed her around, when they ran away. She saw a flair of her father's-no SNAPE's black cloak, hurrying out a door. Trying to push away people she headed towards the door. But people were going in different directions and before she knew it somebody had accidently kicked her in her leg and she fell straight to the floor.

People ran over her, not even recognizing her or knowing she was there. Things became blurry and before she knew it everything went black.

She felt something lick her face. She moaned and brought a hand up to her banging skull. The sight that met her scared her to death. In front of her was a man with greasy dark brown hair, wearing a prison shirt and a tatty old coat, showing only his bare chest, where he had many tattoos. He came closer and she backed away, shivering slightly. "Please don't kill me?" She begged, protecting her face with her body. Shielding herself from most pain as possible. He came closer, his eyes looked tired. She backed away, but hit her head on the stone wall, red liquid poured down from the wound. She crumbled together and waited for him to kill her. The mud blood. Things became blurry and she closed her eyes. In a matter of seconds her body was limp and she was no longer conscious.

Madam Pomfrey entered the hospital around midnight. After searching the entire castle together with all the other teachers, after the murderer Sirius Black. She came to a holt by the sight who met her. In one of the hospital beds laid Bella. Blood was all over her, first she thought she was dead. She hurried over to the girl, a closer look told her she was alive. Breathing deeply, a sign of unconsciousness.

Early the next morning Dumbledore entered. "What happened?" He asked concerned, looking at the sleeping Bella. A bandage around her head. "I don't know headmaster." Dumbledore looked at the old nurse questioningly and she quickly explained. A little out of character herself. "I just found her, lying in one of the beds. I don't know how she got here."

Bella woke up lying in a hospital bed. She moaned and brought a hand up to her head before opening her eyes. Everything was so blurry and the only thing she could see was bright light. Soon her vision cleared and Dumbledore was sitting beside her bed. She didn't quite understand why the headmaster cared so much about her, he was like a grandparent of some sort to her. She tried to sit up, but was pushed right back down by the nurse. "Lie still." She ordered.

"What happened?" Bella mumbled, sounding a little drunk. Probably from the medication the nurse had given her. "Well you tell us, I just found you here? Don't you remember?" Madam Pomfrey said. She shook her head, not knowing what to say. It all became silent and Madam Pomfrey went to look after another patient who had accidently cut himself. "Where is my-" Bella stopped at the word 'father' as just swallowed the rest of her sentence. "Where is your what?" Asked Dumbledore, he had a faint idea of what she was talking about. "Nothing." She mumbled, but in that second the doors flew open and in came an angry looking Snape.

Bella swallowed and sank further into her pillows. "I have some papers that are waiting for me." Dumbledore said as an excuse and left the room. Snape sat down next to her and didn't say anything at first. "I am sorry." She mumbled sheepishly. Snape's face softened. "No I am, I should have taken better care of you." Snape took her hand and stayed by her until she was released the next day. Before the entrance of their dorms he bent down to her level and placed to hands on her shoulders, looking straight in her eyes. "There is something I need to tell you and I hope you will take this seriously, is that clear?" She nodded as response and he continued. "Last night, there was a break in, in the Gryffindor common rooms; the students claim they saw Sirius Black." Bella's face paled, and suddenly she felt sick. "So promise me you won't go outside that door without telling anyone and don't go without a teacher or someone who can take care of you." She nodded and before she knew it she dug her face into his robes, hugging him. She was so scared, after what happened the other night. He patted her back softly, understanding the little creature in front of him was scared and with good reason. "Sorry." She mumbled when she let go and walked inside.

At the kitchen table the next day she wanted to ask him something. He was sitting there, waiting to be asked. She thought to herself as she came soundless closer. She took her usual place, where a bowl of her favorite cereal waited. "I wanted to ask you something of importance...sir." She added the last part. She had practiced what to say over and over in her head and her stomach was filled with butterflies from excitement. "Oh do you?" Snape found it a bit amusing by her choice of words. He raised one eyebrow, a tiny smile playing in the corner of his mouth. Almost invisible for a regular person to see.

"Can I stay with Draco a few weeks in the summer?" She asked him with her puppy dog eyes. "No!" Snape got abruptly up, making Bella jump and spill out her cereal. "Absolutely not!" He yelled again, making himself clear, before storming out the kitchen door. Bella's stomach sank and she swallowed. She pulled out her wand and tried a simple cleaning charm, which of course did not work. "Mud – Blood." She mumbled to herself and got on her knees to clean it up.


Okay so since I haven't uploaded in way to long, I decided it was time. Sooo!!! Here we go! Another chapter of Bella Snape, on the same day!!! Yeeey!!!

Anywaaaay! Please comment, fan and vote?? OK???? Please?? (Puppy dog eyes)

I hope this chapter is a bit more exciting than the last one, so sorry for that! Anyway comment, fan & vote!!! You make my day worth living!!!:D

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