Long held emotions

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  • Dedicated to o0Ashy0o

Auroranossen on Twitter and Instagram - I will be posting illustrations!

Chapter seven is edited by CinnaPiff

Snape hadn't come back yet when she got inside the quarters. She waited for him in the living room, but it didn't take long before she fell asleep. All her questions made her exhausted. Wizards and houses and moving pictures, it was all too much for little Bella to handle.


Every time Bella did something 'unusual' her father would lock her in her room. He had taken her bed away after her last 'incident'.

Bella was lying on the floor and trying to get some sleep. The room was cold and despite the old blanket around her she was still shivering. The door was locked from the outside; her father didn't want her to steal any food. She wouldn't dare do anything she wasn't allowed to do anyway.

She felt hot liquid run down her face but stayed silent. Her father was lying in the room beside her and if he heard her...

End of dream.

Bella yawned and stretched a little before opening her eyes. The Snape man was sitting aside her reading a paper. She gasped and would have fallen to the floor if Snape hadn't grabbed her.

"I –I didn't mean to fall asleep Sir." She stuttered. Bella was afraid he would be angry with her, her father would at least have been. "Relax child." He growled which made Bella shrink. Snape bit his tongue and tried to be gentler with her. She was after all just a child.

"It 's okay Bella."

It became silent before Bella spoke again. "Are you mad?" She asked; her eyes fixed at the floor. His face turned into a scowl. "For what," he spat. Bella swallowed before answering. "For me being sorted into Slytherin, I didn't want you to be disappointed." Snape blinked. He hadn't seen that one coming.

"No Bella, I am not mad at you. Actually I was in Slytherin." He could tell the little nine year old still felt ashamed of herself for some reason. "Come here."

Snape pulled her up on his lap and his strong arms encircled her little body. With one hand he pushed her head on his shoulder. All her long held emotions wouldn't stay under control anymore and she started sobbing into the nice man's cloak.

Snape didn't pull away; he just sat there and comforted the poor nine year old the best he could.

"I am sorry. I am sorry." She mumbled over and over again.

After a while she managed to relax and her sobs became small hiccups. "Do you feel better now," Snape asked in a colder voice. Bella made a small nod and smiled weakly.

Snape's thoughts went back to how skinny she was. "Bella, haven't you eaten since I left?" The girl in front of him looked completely starved. "Bella, why are you not eating?" Snape's face was set in a scowl, but his words were softer.

"Because, I am not allowed to take any." She whispered. He looked at her startled. It seemed like everything had to do with her father. He sighed. "Okay, from now on you are going to eat at least three meals a day, is that clear?" She made a small nod in response. How this man could be so nice to her was beyond her understanding. Her father had beaten her and starved her just because of her abnormalities.

Snape took her arm and guided her towards the kitchen. He made her some scrambled eggs with bacon and gave her some pumpkin juice. "Eat," he ordered. Bella didn't need to hear that twice. She had been starving all day and didn't want to ask her guardian anything.

Bella ate in silence and after a couple of minutes the food was gone. "Is there anything I can help you with sir?" Snape eyed her for a second before he shook his head no. "No thank you Bella, I am fine." His voice was slightly softer than usual.

It looked like Bella had something to say, but didn't want to ask. Normally he would ignore her if she couldn't ask herself, but since he knew a part of what she had been going threw he decided not to. Besides, he had a feeling the little girl only had told him bits of how her life had been.

"Bella, is there something you want to ask?" Snape tried not to be so harsh when he talked to her. They were alone; nobody would see them.

Bella blushed slightly and made a small nod. "Can I maybe read the paper with the moving pictures?"

Snape made a small nod and handed it to the eager nine year old. She gasped again when she saw the moving minister on the front page. Snape had to cover up a small smile from her reaction.

They sat at the kitchen reading in silence. Snape graded tests and Bella read the paper. Sometimes Snape couldn't stop himself and glanced at the child sitting in his kitchen; she looked so fascinated.

An hour passed by and it started getting late. Bella yawned and it was then Snape decided it was time for her to go to bed.

Snape came in and said goodnight this night too. "Sleep well Bella." He was about to leave when she stopped him at the doorframe. "Sir?"


"Thank you for everything." Snape didn't have time to respond because Bella was already asleep.

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