decamp (randy)

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This Randy is from Little Darlings, NOT Randy Adderson from The Outsiders//

"Now how about Y/N and.....Randy."

My eyes widened, not expecting my name to be called.

I looked around for this so-called "Randy" and found a brunette boy around my age staring at me from across the circle. I recognized him from the boy's camp, remembering the few times I had looked across the lake from my seat in the kayak and seen some boys diving into the water, Randy included.

We exchanged rushed greetings, and soon we waded into the cold water, and I was hoisted onto his shoulders. I assessed the team across from us. It was a girl I had seen before in the cafeteria and a boy that appeared to be a part of Randy's cabin.

The whistle blew, and the pair in front of us charged. I braced myself on the boy's shoulders. He locked his knees and battled with the opposing boy. The girl attempted to push me before I dodged her hands and she fell forward slightly, causing a slight imbalance. I took the opportunity to push her more, and I placed my hands on her back, pushing with all my might. She yelped, and toppled forward, making her partner attempt to catch himself and stomp his foot out underneath him. However, the water slowed his step, and he fell before he could catch himself, causing them both to collapse into the water.

I cheered along with Randy. He carefully helped me off his shoulders, by placing both hands on my waist and carrying me off. I helped slightly by holding onto his shoulders and lowering myself, although I was grateful for his help. He high-fives me and began to brag to his cabin mate about his win.

He turned back to me, saying, "That was all you, I barely did anything. Thanks for winning for us."

"Anytime, but I don't think I would've put it like that," I chuckled.

He laughed slightly before we were called out of the water to wait until our next match. Another round went by, and Randy and I won once again. The other team had put up a good fight, lasting against us for about 7 full minutes.

Randy let me down gently again, high-fiving me whilst giving me all the credit. I continued to deny what he was saying, sure he was the one pulling our team through both wins.

The last round approached. I was already up on his shoulders, my chin resting on his head as we discussed our plan. The competitors splashed in after us. The girl wasn't in my cabin, but I had seen her around a few times before. The boy must have been from Randy's cabin by the way the two eyed each other with rivalry. The match began. We advanced on the other two, my hands on the girl's shoulders, pushing her as hard as I could. The boy under her had a freakishly strong grip on her legs, making it difficult to shove her into the water. I had the winning stance, I pushed her hard, and the boy's grip faltered, making her slip from his hands. I leaned into the motion, ready for her to fall, but I leaned too far and slipped forward. Before I knew it I was hurtling forward at the water. Just before I bellyflopped into the lake, hands wrapped around my stomach and jolted me up just in time. I stood, shocked, in Randy's arms, face to face with him. His face was covered in a concerned expression. His hands still rested at my waist, pulling me to his body. I leaned my chest back so my face wasn't touching.

"Are you okay?"

I slowly nodded, not breaking eye contact with him. He pulled his hands away from my waist, letting them rest against his leg, keeping eye contact with me. Before either of us could say anything, the champion pair came up to us to shake our hands and tell us "Good game". I congratulated them and trudged my way out of the water in search of a towel to dry me off. Randy passed me one, and I smiled at him gratefully. The sun began to set, and all of the cabins, and both camps gathered around the campfire. The counselors had us sing songs about Jesus, and ordinary camp songs, before allowing us to engage in our conversations. Most of the girls that I knew from our camp gawked at and discussed the boys sitting across from us. Some even went as far as describe what they wanted to 'do' to them. Though the conversations were understandable, they weren't exactly what I was interested in on this specific night. I looked around the circle to see if there was a more intriguing conversation. As I directed my vision over to the boys, I noticed Randy sitting to the side of the others, not listening to the discussion of his friends. He stared at the ground, kicking at the dirt with his feet. I may have stared at him a little too long because he looked up and we locked eyes. We stared at each other for a few more minutes until he jerked his head towards the snack table a few yards away. I furrowed my brows in confusion for a few seconds before understanding his signal. I nodded and he made his way over to the table, and I followed not long after. He piled some chips onto a plate, and some soda into a cup.

Matt Dillon// Imagines + HeadcannonsWhere stories live. Discover now