skeleton in the kitchen (dallas)

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Oh god, he was so hot. And I couldn't even kiss him.

He must've felt my stare because he turned his head in my direction, his eyes darting between me and Sodapop: whom he was having a conversation with. We made eye contact and he smiled his conceited, yet incredibly attractive, grin. I felt a smile of my own growth, and my cheeks tingle slightly as they heated up. I sharply turned my head away to avoid his eyes, hoping no one would notice my reaction to his gaze.

He continued his conversation with Soda. I wasn't listening to his words, only his husky voice. It was mesmerizing, despite the words being lost within the sound. I turned even more red at this, wanting nothing more than to hop on top of him and kiss his lips like never before.

Two-Bit must've noticed my flustered state because he came over to me, completely wasted, and attempted to shotgun another beer, before failing miserably to which Darry pulled him into a lecture, making me chuckle. But as much as I would like to forget about the most gorgeous man ever sitting in front of me, I would never be able to let Dallas Winston slip out of my mind.

I looked up from the heated conversation between Darry and Two to meet Dally's eyes piercing into mine. Soda continued their conversation, with a man who was lacking in response. I smiled at the much-needed attention I was finally given, to which he smirked back.

As I stared more intensely into his eyes, I heard Soda nearing the end of his rant, and eventually cleared his throat, and smacking Dally's arm, a small request for his attention to be returned to the conversation at hand. Dallas turned back towards Soda, and I pulled myself away from the deep brown irises staring at me. I looked around at the boys surrounding me, to see Johnny and Ponyboy playing cards, Darry and Two ending their conversation, and Steve staring at the small television screen in front of him, slowly sipping at the small remains of his beer. Most of the plates were cleared, as well as glasses were empty.

"Anyone want a refill?" I offered, pushing myself off the couch and heading toward the kitchen.

Almost every hand in the room raised up, except for Dallas's. An excited chorus of "Me!"'s erupted from everyone, except for Dallas.

I looked at him, a familiar mischievous flicker in his eyes. I nodded and headed towards the kitchen.

I grabbed a small pack of beef from the fridge and cut a few pieces of leftover pizza onto the plates.

I suddenly felt a warm body press up against mine from behind, and strong arms wrap around my waist as I finished cutting the last piece. As soon as I made sure the slice was secure on its paper plate, I turned around and placed my hands on the counter behind me, looking up to see my secret lover; Dallas Winston. We had been 'together' for some time now, and none of our friends knew of it. They were completely oblivious to our kissing and affectionate manner towards each other. I wasn't one hundred percent sure where Dallas and I stood, but wherever it was, I was happy with it. The mischievous glint was still present in his eyes, his arms still holding firm around my waist.

I beamed up at him, taking in every last one of his features.

"Miss me?" he said flirtatiously.

"You can't even imagine," I responded, as I rested my hands on the sides of his face. I stared at his lips and felt my heart skip a beat when I looked up into his eyes and found them staring straight at me. I brushed my thumb over his bottom lip and pulled him into a sweet kiss.

He quickly reciprocated the kiss and pulled me into him by my waist. I pulled his head further into my lips, making me relax against his mouth.

Realization set in, and I quickly pulled away.

"Dallas, we really shouldn't, we could get caught," I said, my hands still resting on his cheeks, and still trying to catch my breath from the kiss.

"So? C'mon gorgeous, live a little." He said back.

This one line made me give in, and he must've felt my acceptance because he pulled me right back into his mouth.

This kiss was more passionate, my fingers becoming tangled in his hair, and his arms moving under my ass. He lifted me up and set me on the counter. He stood between my thighs, cupping my face, pulling me in closer. He pushed our lips onto each other more, biting down on my lower lip, making me moan slightly into his mouth.

He smirked his usual smirk, beginning to rub his thumbs up and down the sides of my cheek. As I toyed with the small strands of his hair, I seemed to forget about my previous task of serving all the boys food.

"Y/N....." He whispered softly between kisses.

Just then a small yelp escaped a voice behind Dally. We snapped away from each other to find a horrified Johny frozen in place, staring at us like we had lost our minds.

I hopped down from the counter, attempting to calm Johnny down before everyone came into the room. Dallas just leaned up against the counter, with his arms folded in front of him, watching the situation unfold.

"Listen, Johnny. It's not what it looks like-" I began, before being cut off by another one of Johnny's screams.

"Darry! Soda! Pony! Two-Bit! Steve! Come in here right now!" He yelled.

"No, Johnny, please..." I managed before everyone came rushing into the room.

"What's goin' on?" Steve asked, seemingly annoyed by his show being interrupted.

"I just saw these two mackin on each other! Slobbering all over, having a gas!"

I pinched the bridge of my nose, preparing for the reaction. I glanced behind me to see Dallas Winston with a perfectly content smirk on his face, looking very satisfied with himself.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO?" The Great Darry lecture had begun.

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