swimming (rusty james)

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I heard someone clamber through my window and shut it behind him. My back was turned, but I knew it was Rusty James from the sound of his grunts while climbing through the window frame and his low hum of my name.

"Y/N?" Rusty said with a husky tone. I sat up and turned to face him, perplexed. He stood in the dark over my bed, waiting for my reply. He was shadowed in darkness but the street lamps and moonlight made his features visible and his piercings shimmer.

"RJ, why are you here? It's the middle of the night." I whisper-yelled. He smirked and ran a hand through his hair. I raised my eyebrows waiting for him to explain himself.

"I was wondering if you wanna go do something with me?" Rusty James prompted, jerking his head toward the window suggestively. I eyed him slowly, considering the consequence to the reward if I were to sneak out with him. I made eye contact with Rusty and the look on his face was enough to make me forget the consequences. He had that ability. He can make you want to be reckless, to live, to do wrong, and not care. Usually, someone as abrasive as Rusty James wasn't so well-liked, but it was the way he lived that made Rusty so intriguing.

"What do you say, babe?" Rusty James pulled me out of my thoughts, asking again. I was faced with a conflicting decision: stay out of trouble or go with Rusty James, the man of my dreams.

"Sure, let's do it." I breathed out so quietly I wasn't sure he even heard me. His face bloomed into a big smile and a mischievous glint in his eyes sparked. His hand wrapped around my wrist and almost yanked me out the window behind him. Rusty's feet skirted down the roof and stopped at the edge. He twisted his body to hang off the gutter and he dropped to the ground. Rusty had come through my window plenty of times, but for the first time, he was leaving with me. I took a deep breath and tried to swallow my fear. It wasn't a far drop, but I had never dared to try before. I look down and see Rusty James fully prepared to catch me when I fall. I jumped, trusting he would break my fall at least. I was met in his arms and he wasted no time breaking into a run with my hand in his.

We finally slowed in front of a pool. I furrowed my brows at Rusty who held a finger over his mouth telling me to be quiet. He told me to keep watch. I pressed my back to his and surveyed the darkness that shredded the pool house. Luckily, the only thing stirring in the air was our breath and the heat. Finally, he held the gate open and gestured for me to step in. The pool was nice. It was illuminated by lights in the water and the hum of pool filters filled my ears. Rusty James smiled at my awed reaction, and quickly tore off his shirt. I thanked the lord that I was wearing a nice bra with matching underwear. I watched him strip his clothes off until he was left in nothing but boxers. I fought the smile that crept onto my face and I hoped it was too dark to see my face go red. Rusty looked at me and waited for me to take off my clothes. I quickly got undressed, being very aware of his gaze. I crawled onto the pavement to dangle my feet into the icy water. I was only able to sit for a moment before I was thrown forward and smacked into the surface. I plummeted down, feeling the goosebumps form on contact. I thrashed to the surface, savoring when I was able to gasp for air. Rusty James was laughing harder than I had ever seen him laugh before, resting his hands on his knees for support so he didn't collapse. He jumped in after me. I squealed, fearing I would be crushed, but he ended up landing right beside me. I couldn't help but stare as he emerged. He shook his head like a dog. His hair fell over his forehead in stringy sections as water dripped all over his face and body. I could feel my heart beating in my temples and although I was in a pool my mouth ran dry. Rusty looked back at me.

"Like the view?" He chuckled. I froze, which in turn only made me stare longer. He splashed at my face, making me jerk my head to the side. I gasped, almost offended if it wasn't RJ.

"Oh. You are gonna get it, Rusty James." I threatened, my voice dark like tinted glass. Rusty raised an eyebrow, waiting for what I would do. I leaped onto his back, scaling his body so I was up on his shoulders. I tried to force his head into the water, but he barely moved. He pulled me off his shoulders and into a hug, His lips met mine briefly, hesitating when his lips brushed to mine during the disconnect. I wanted more. More contact, more kisses, more Rusty James. My eyes flickered from his eyes to his lips and occasionally drifted down to his chest and abs. While I was distracted by his attractiveness, he took his opportunity to pull me under. I opened my eyes to navigate to the surface, but I was met with Rusty's face. His brows were deep and furrowed, which always made him look hot, and his hair swirled around his head with the current. He took my head in his hands and his lips came crashing into mine. They moved harshly, almost immediately asking for tongue. I let him in, careful to keep the pool water out. His tongue was roaming around my mouth, creating friction between every inch of my mouth and his taste buds. I almost forgot I needed to breathe, but I broke away and drifted to the top. Rusty James came after me, taking his deep breath and smashing our lips together again desperately. He guided us to the stairs, not breaking the connection for a second. I was laying across the steps with Rusty on top of me. My hands were running up and down his dripping wet chest while his hands stayed kneading at my hips. I smiled, thinking about what I would do next, I shoved him down into the water and splashed him when he resurfaced.

"Gotcha. sucker." I said proudly, sitting up. He shrugged, rubbing his hands along my inner thighs.

"Hey, I would've got you real bad if you weren't so fucking hot," Rusty stated matter-of-factly. I scoffed and watched as he examined my body up and down. Suddenly, there was the jingle of keys and we could see the bits of light from a flashlight from around the corner. A man began to demand to know who was in his pool, yelling obscenities. I looked back to Rusty James. His eyes gaped in shock.


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