pampering (tex)

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I looked over at Tex who was laying in bed by my side, smiling at how focused his eyes were on the TV. His thumb stabbed at the channel button over and over again, his nose wrinkled and his mouth slightly parted. As I admired him thoughtfully, my eyes were drawn to a red splotch hidden within his sideburn. I sat up excitedly, crawling over to him. He looked over at me, a soft smile creeping onto his face as I rested my head on his shoulder. Tex turned back to the TV but I could see the beaming smile spread across his face; that is until I was using both my thumbs to squeeze at his skin. His head snapped to look at me with an expression of one who had just experienced betrayal in its highest form. I laughed, diving onto him again and aiming for the pimple. Tex swatted my hands, shrieking in fear.
"No! Y/N, No!" He shouted between bouts of laughter. Eventually, after we had been battling for a minute or two, he had both my wrists in his grasp and was on all fours on top of me. I struggled against him, but his grip was too tight which made Tex giggle at my failed attempt. His smile loosened and Tex looked at me softly. He gazed at my face, his eyes darting from one feature to the next. He went limp, crashing into my chest and nuzzling his face into my collarbone. Tex looked up again, pressing kisses on every inch of my face. I pushed him away, earning a look of disappointment. He wrinkled his nose at me.
"I'll be right back." I promised, swiftly planting a kiss on his forehead. I whisked into the bathroom.

I came back with a handful of bottles and jars. A look of horror spread across Tex's face.

"You are not putting that stuff on my face." He declared turning away from me and scrolling absently on his phone. I dumped my load of skincare products onto the duvet, making my way across the bed to Text. I straddled his hips which earned me a wide smile from my boyfriend. His hands clutched my waist and pulled me down. I ran my fingers through his hair and stroked his scalp gently. He allowed me to slide a headband across his hairline. He closed his eyes constantly, which gave me the opportunity to fill a dropper up with serum and press the liquid onto his skin. Tex's eyes opened again for a moment, but he only looked up at me and shut them again.

"Keep your eyes closed." I instructed, pouring another bottle into my palm.

"Sorry, I just wanted to look at you." He admitted lightheartedly. I continued, opening the package of a sheet mask. I applied it to his face and a gasp escaped his lips.

"It's cold!" Tex blurted. I stifled a giggle and used a roller against his cheeks. As I worked my magic, he began to feel more and more relaxed. He closed his eyes and let out a contented sigh, grateful for my thoughtful gesture. I smiled to myself, happy to be able to provide a moment of tranquility for my boyfriend. Product after product I noticed his breathing had slowed and the grip on my waist had loosened. I was completely sure he had fallen asleep when light snores were coming from the boy beneath me. I kissed his lips carefully, going to return all my products. I plugged in his phone and pulled off my pants, crawling into bed next to Tex.

Matt Dillon// Imagines + HeadcannonsWhere stories live. Discover now