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The mood was solemn as Jasmine walked through the clothing store alone. She was shopping for her premiere day dress, something she was supposed to do with Anthony, but they had decided it would be best not to be seen together until they decide what they were going to do. They had four hours to decide if they were going to go through with the break up, but they hadn't really discussed anything since the day they were told.

Jasmine picked up a couple dresses and headed towards the changing rooms. "Is it alright if I try these on," she asked.

"Of course!" the attendee smiled. The woman grabbed a key and unlocked a changing room stall for Jasmine. She walked in, set her dresses down, and began to undress. Once she had one of the dresses on, she picked up her phone and called her mother.

"Jazzy!" Kim answered the facetime call.

"Hey, Mom," Jasmine said.

"What'd you need, sweetheart?"

"I was gonna ask for help picking a dress. They're having the movie premiere soon, and I haven't picked one yet," Jasmine explained.

"What are your options?" Kim asked.

"Option number one, is this purple dress," Jasmine said, flipping the camera to show her reflection in the mirror,

"I like it, but I feel like it may be a bit much, and this neckline is like really low."

"I think it's cute. You could always get it altered. Fix the neckline," Kim told her.

"Alright. Let me show you the other options," Jasmine said.

She showed her mother two more dresses. One of them was a blue dress with another deep v-neckline, and the other was a white dress with a bunch of weird arm straps. "I don't like the white one," Kim said.

"Yeah. It was a bit difficult to get into," Jasmine told her mother as she set her phone down to take off the dress,

"I think this one is a no."

"Okay, so our options are purple or blue. Either way, you're gonna have to get it tailored, so that can't be your reasoning. I think you should do blue," Kim explained.

"I don't know. I think I'm gonna pick the purple one," Jasmine said,

"The purple looks better with my skin."

"Does it?"

"It does. Look," Jasmine held fabric from both of the dresses against her skin.

"Get the purple one," Kim said as soon as she saw it.


Jasmine started putting her everyday clothes back on. "So, other than dress shopping... what have you been doing?" Kim asked.

"Nothing really. Anthony and I started dating, but that's a bust," Jasmine answered, her voice getting quieter near the end of her sentence.

"What'd he do?"

"Anthony didn't do anything."

"What'd you do?"

"I didn't do anything either mom. It's this stupid producer," Jasmine explained.

"How does your producer have anything to do with your relationship?"

"You remember how we agreed to that whole fake relationship thing a while back?"


"Well, the plan was that Anthony and I would fake a relationship and break up like a week before the premiere. Now that we're actually together, we don't want to go through with the break up part of the deal,"

"Why don't you just fake the break up and get back together after? It was a fake relationship, so it can be a fake break up. Pretend to be broken up in the media and be together in real life." Kim told her. Jasmine started to put the dresses back on their respective hangers,

"I was thinking about that, but Luca squashed that idea. He says that during the break up we aren't even allowed to be within the same vicinity of the other person. We can only be near each other during the premiere, and even then, we have to look mad at each other. If we don't do as he says, Luca is gonna cancel the movie"

"That's a bit extreme isn't it."

"It's super extreme," Jasmine said as she walked to the counter and paid for her dress.

"Is he even allowed to do that? He's only a producer," Kim mumbled.

"What do you mean?"

"He's only a producer. The movie premiere is organized by the company and not the producers. He really wouldn't even be able to do that? I think he's making false threats to scare you two." Kim explained to her daughter. Jasmine grabbed her bags and walked out of the store.

"You might be right. I have some research to do. I'll call you back later, Mom," Jasmine hung up the phone.

Jasmine took the subway home. She walked into her apartment, set her bags down, and went straight to her computer. After doing some research and printing out some papers, Jasmine gathered all of her things (plus her dog) and headed to Anthony's place. She quickly knocked on the door. "You were taking forever. We only have two hours left," Jasmine said walking in when he opened the door.

"I thought we weren't gonna be seen together until we made a decision," Anthony said.

"That's why I came over. I have a solution to our problem, and it's all thanks to my mother," Jasmine smiled.

"Mrs.Kim?" Anthony asked.

"Obviously, I only have one mom, Anthony," Jasmine looked at him like he was stupid,

"Read this." Anthony sat down on his couch and read all of the papers Jasmine had printed out.

"So, he can't do any of what he's doing?" Anthony said.

"Exactly! If anyone from The Department of Motion Pictures found out what he was doing, Luca would be fired. Immediately," Jasmine told him. Anthony looked up at Jasmine's smile and knew exactly what they were going to do.

A few minutes later, Jasmine and Anthony arrived at Luca's office. They walked in and saw Luca sitting in the same place he always is, his desk. "I take it that you two have come to a conclusion," he said once he saw them.

"Mhm. We've chosen to stay together," Jasmine smiled, grabbing Anthony's hand. Luca almost spit out his coffee.

"But if you do that, I'll cancel the movie," Luca stuttered.

"No you wouldn't."

"Yes. I would."

"You're not allowed to do that. You're only a producer," Jasmine told him,

"The company puts together these events, and once they decide it's happening and pay for everything, the premiere is going to happen. You can't do anything to stop it." She pulled out her papers for proof. Luca was shocked. Not at the fact that he can't cancel the premiere. He already knew that. He was shocked that she even found out.

"We're not breaking up," Anthony said.

"I-I'll ruin your career," Luca started getting defensive.

"If you try to ruin our careers, we'll do the same thing to you. You aren't allowed to do anything you've done," Jasmine said, pulling out another sheet of paper. Luca was confuzzled (A/n I've been waiting on a book to let me use this word).

"How did you even...?" Luca said, looking at the papers.

"It honestly wasn't hard. It just took a couple quick Google searches," Jasmine smiled,

"Anthony and I will be going now. We'll see you at the premiere, Luca."

Jasmine and Anthony left his office, and they headed out into the city streets. They didn't know what the future had in store for them, but that didn't matter. They were happy, and they were together. That was all they needed.

The End

A/n I hate this ending.

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