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It had been around a week since Jasmine and Anthony officially made things official, and they couldn't be happier. They had been spending all of their time together. Going on dates, going to work together, and even sleeping over each other's places when they could. The couple was happy as long as they were together.

One of the main things they had been doing together was trying to prepare for their upcoming movie premiere. It was less than two weeks away, and they still hadn't prepared anything. Not an outfit, or a hairstyle, or anything. It was honestly hurting Jasmine. She hated being unprepared. She wanted to get started on planning her premiere day outfit, but it would just have to wait.

At the moment, Jasmine and Anthony were hanging out at Jasmine's apartment. They were looking at clothing websites to buy Jasmine a dress from when they heard a knock at the door. "I can get it," Anthony said, getting up from his spot on the couch. When he answered the door, he saw a tall, old, black man standing outside. The man was looking around and paying no attention to him whatsoever.

"Can I help you, sir?" Anthony asked after about two minutes of standing there. The man turned around and looked shocked to see Anthony standing there.

"Oh! I'm sorry. I didn't see you. I was under the impression that this was my daughter's apartment. Do you happen to know if a woman named Jasmine Jones lives in this complex?" he explained.

"You're Mr.Ron?" Anthony asked.

"Mhm. You must know Jasmine," the Ron smiled.

"I'm actually her boyfriend. You can come in. I'll get your bags," Anthony said as he walked out to grab Ron's things. Ron walked inside, and Anthony followed, closing the door behind him.

"So, you got a boyfriend," Ron said when he saw Jasmine.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" Jasmine said getting up to hug him,

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming? I would've set up the guest room for you."

"It's alright, darling, I got a room at a nice hotel up the street. I wanna talk more about this boyfriend of yours," Ron side eyed Anthony who took that as his cue to leave.

"I'm gonna... go pick up that food that I definitely already ordered. I'll be back," he said leaving out of the apartment.

As soon as I was gone, Jasmine and her father started talking. "I promise I was gonna tell you," Jasmine said quickly.

"Mhm. Where did you two meet?" he asked.

"On set. He's one of the main characters in the movie I'm in. I play his girlfriend," Jasmine told him.

"Is he good to you? Y'all don't have any problems do you?" Ron said as he moved to pet Nala.

"We don't have any problems, Dad. Anthony's been perfect." Jasmine smiled.

"Well, if he has really been good to you, I guess I can allow it," Ron told her. Jasmine squealed and hugged her father,

"Thank you, dad."

A few minutes later, Anthony walked back into Jasmine's place holding a bag of chinese food. "Here," he said, handing Jasmine a carton of fried rice (A/n I just want to say that I would willingly eat chicken fried rice everyday for the rest of my life).

"I didn't ask you to get me anything," she told him.

"I know. I just didn't want you asking for my stuff," he said, making Ron laugh.

"You know she's gonna ask you regardless?" he told him.

"Yeah, but I was hoping the rice would keep her busy long enough for me to eat most of my food," Anthony smiled.

A few hours later, Jasmine and Anthony were walking down the streets of New York together. Right after Ron left Jasmine's apartment, Anthony received a call from Luca saying that he and Jasmine needed to come in for their final meeting. Because the movie premiere was coming up, the three of them apparently needed to put the finishing touches on some things.

Jasmine and Anthony walked into Luca's office and saw him looking at his phone with the biggest smile on his face. "Well, you guys. We did it," he said.

"Did what?" Jasmine asked.

"'Janthony' is a trending hashtag. The people love you. Now all that's left to do is the break up. You two can fake a break up, and you won't have to speak to each other ever again," Luca told them.

"But we don't want to break up," Jasmine told him.

"What do you mean?" Luca put his phone down.

"We just actually got together a couple days ago. We don't want to do a fake break up. Not only is that wrong to do, but it would also be a lot of work on our part," Anthony explained.

"I thought you two hated each other," Luca sounded shocked.

"I wish people would stop saying that when they find out we're together. Feelings can change," Jasmine mumbled.

"Being together doesn't matter. You two knew you would have to do the fake break up when you agreed to the plan, and you still knew you would have to do the fake break up when you got together." Luca said,

"You have to do it."

"Not necessarily. There was no contract involved. We don't have to do anything," Jasmine told him.

"Well how about this? If you two don't finish the plan and break up, you'll both be fired. I'll cancel the movie and the premiere, and I'll make sure you never get another job again," Luca told them. Jasmine and Anthony stared at him with open mouths.

"Once you break up, you won't speak to or contact one another. You won't be seen together, and you won't be in the same vicinity of each other. The only time you two can even be in the same room is the premiere, and even then, you need to act like you hate the other person." Luca explained.

"Luca, we really don't want to do this. Please don't make us do this," Jasmine begged.

"You have until nine pm tomorrow to make the break up official. Now get out of my office." Luca ordered.

They walked back home feeling slightly defeated. It took so long for them to realize and own up to how they felt about each other. They had met each other's family (somewhat), and they had spent so much time together. The two of them had basically just gotten together, and now they were being forced to break up? It was outrageous. Jasmine and Anthony needed to make a decision and fast. Were they going to keep their career or their relationship?

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